“給食”的英語可以翻譯為:feeding ...
盡管他的方法不同尋常,但他給予學生的激勵比其他人都要多。Despite his unconventional methods, he has inspired pupils more than anyone else.相關科學家對不同模型的結論給予不同的權重。The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models.我們將給予她...
“配給”的英語可以翻譯為:ation,allotment,allocate,admeasure,rationing ...
叛軍丟下武器和給養(yǎng),逃進了山里。The rebels fled into the mountains, leaving behind their weapons and supplies.士兵們背著毯子和給養(yǎng)。Soldiers were loaded with blankets and supplies.他外出度假時把狗交給養(yǎng)狗場照管.He left his dog in a kennels when he went on holida...
他給小費出手慷慨,侍者都喜歡他.The waiters liked him for being a big tipper.同時你不必給小費.And you don't have to tip the stewards like you do when you go by ship.在自己動手的自助餐館里,一般無需給小費.Tips are generally not required at cafeterias where yo...
你能不能派個人來給看一看?Can you send someone round to look at it?給看上去迷路的人指路.Offer directions to someone who looks lost.別門縫里看人,把人家給看扁了.Don't look at people with a jaundiced eye and make little of them!...
“供給者”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]supplier,feeder,furnisher,provider ...
“借給”的英語可以翻譯為:loan ...
“應給予”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] Adhib. ...
我了解了一下補給站的情況,隨后抵達軍指揮部.I asked the situation at the depot base and arrived at the Army HQ.更多的氫動力車將被生產, 但仍受到缺乏補給站的限制.More hydrogen - powered vehicles will arrive, but remain constrained by a lack of refuelling stations.取得穿...
他把信交給了貿工部。He passed the letters to the Department of Trade and Industry.哈里精心購置了禮物又仔細包好,讓馬克交給他們。Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them.法官本不該把案子交給陪審團來裁定。The judge should not have left it to t...
“補給站”的英語可以翻譯為:staging post,depot ...
“撥給”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] allotment ...
“判給”的英語可以翻譯為:award ...
“少給”的英語可以翻譯為:skimp ...
“緩給法”的英語可以翻譯為:adyadministration ...
我們活著是為了什么?不就是給鄰居當笑柄,再反過來笑他們。For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?他打電話給勞拉看她是不是好些了。He'd phoned Laura to see if she was better.他給他的計算機編制了一套程序,以比較所有可能的組合。He programmed...
“給予的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]administrative ...
“給與”的反義詞:領受, 取得。...
你未給她飲品是待客不周.It was inhospitable of you not to offer her a drink.已3個月未給工人發(fā)工資.The worker have not is pay for three week.目擊者保留意一些資訊未給警方.The witness withheld some information from the police....
很多基本商品現(xiàn)在都要定量供給。能買到的東西越來越少。Many basic goods are now rationed. Less and less is available.需求快超過供給了。Demand is outstripping supply.該管道供給約旦15%的原油.The pipeline supplies Jordan with 15 per cent of its crude oil....
所有用作抗暈動病的藥物,都應采取預防給藥.All agents used to combat motion sickness should be given prophylactically.嚴重的過敏反應可伴隨給藥而來.Severe allergic reactions may accompany administration of the drug.靜脈輸液也可作為一種給藥方法.Intravenous infusions are a...
他的確也承認,他的“配給券”應該是可交易的.He does also accept that his ration coupons should be tradeable....
“讓給”的英語可以翻譯為:give up to ...
那些被騙售給了不明真相的公眾.Those are foisted on an unsuspecting public....
“給養(yǎng)”的拼音為:jǐ yǎng...
孩子的監(jiān)護權通常判給母親。Child custody is normally granted to the mother.法庭判給他5000美元損害賠償金.The court awarded damages of 5000 dollars to him.法院判給每個孩子一筆服裝費.The court allowed a sum of money to each child for clothing....
“給予體”的英語可以翻譯為:donor,donator ...