他決定把穿壞的鞋丟掉,再買一雙新的.He decided to throw the shoes away and buy a new pair....
他進臥室穿衣服。He went into his bedroom to get dressed.我根本不會穿衣服。I've no dress sense at all.克萊爾得給年幼的妹妹穿衣服。Claire had to dress her baby sister....
門口站著一位穿戴整齊、儀態(tài)莊重的男子。At the door was a neatly dressed, dignified man.他儀容整潔,穿戴漂亮,就是人長得不好看。He was smart and well groomed but not good looking.她穿戴著名貴的毛皮大衣和珠寶,非常奢華。She was expensively dressed, with fine furs and jewels....
現(xiàn)在的衣服好像很快就穿破了.Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.他的襯衫穿破了.His shirt was frayed.他的褲子已經(jīng)穿破了.His trousers had been worn into holes....
他的胃可能因為這些酸液而穿孔。His stomach might rupture from all the acid.潰瘍已穿孔.The ulcer has perforated.木匠用他的錐子在木頭上穿孔。The carpenter bored the wood with his drill....
“揭穿”的近義詞/同義詞:戳穿, 揭露, 揭發(fā), 揭破, 透露, 暴露, 揭示。...
光線很難穿透這么濃的霧.It is difficult to shine a light through its this thick mist.那顆釘子穿透了鞋底,扎進他的腳.The nail pierced through the sole of his shoes into his foot.寒氣穿透他的衣服.The cold pierced his clothes....
騎車人危險地在車流中飛速穿行時,汽車喇叭的嘟嘟聲響成一片。Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.綿羊邊吃邊走,穿行在厚厚的一層黃色落葉中間。Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves.伊根穿行來到酒柜旁,倒了一杯蘇格蘭威士忌。Egan crossed to the...
“半穿孔”的英語可以翻譯為:chadless ...
“穿索針”的英語可以翻譯為:marline spike,stabber,marlinespike ...
“穿孔”的拼音為:chuān kǒng...
“揭穿”的拼音為:jiē chuān...
他們認定有關(guān)穿衣的規(guī)則是對個人自由的限制,是無法接受的.They maintain that rules about dress are an unacceptable limitation of personal freedom.被穿衣的透明的聚亞安酉旨所有的創(chuàng)傷蓋住.All the wounds were covered with a transparent polyurethane dressing....
“穿行”的拼音為:chuān xíng...
板振動對微穿孔板吸聲體的 聲學 特性存在一定的影響.The panel resonance always affects the absorption characteristics of microperforated - panel ( MPP ) absorber.試驗表明,微穿孔板吸聲結(jié)構(gòu)可有效地降低排氣噪聲.Results show that the acoustic system of micro perforation p...
“穿過的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]pierced ...
裂紋呈穿晶擴展.The crack was transgranular.在 微觀 層次上,把穿顆粒斷裂分為沿晶斷裂、穿晶斷裂和兩者耦合斷裂.In micro - scale , trans - grain fracture are divided into transcrystalline, intercrystalline and mix fracture of trans - grain and inter - grain.短裂紋的...
愛德華穿安德魯穿過的舊衣服。Edward wore Andrew's hand-me-downs.她討厭穿她姐姐穿過的舊衣服。She hated having to wear her sister's hand-me-downs.他小心翼翼地穿上他結(jié)婚時穿過的 紅褐色 西服.He dressed carefully in the reddish - brown suit he had been married in....
“穿上”的英語可以翻譯為:get on,put on,attire in,endue,get into ...
“穿著”的近義詞/同義詞:衣著, 穿戴。...
“穿孔”的英語可以翻譯為:ore a hole,punch a hole,[醫(yī)]perforate,perforation,[電影]Puncture...
這類謠言直到最近才被戳穿。Such rumours have only recently been exploded.事實不容篡改, 謊言必須戳穿.Facts cannot be altered; lies must be exposed.路上的釘子把車胎戳穿了.A nail on the road punctured the tyre....
“穿用者”的英語可以翻譯為:wearer ...
她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亞到達了堪察加半島,行程共1.4萬英里。She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka.弗蘭克·馬里亞諾駕駛他那輛破爛不堪的皮卡車成功穿越了沙漠地帶。Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.埃米和她的小組一路馬不停蹄地驅(qū)車穿越西班牙。Amy an...
與你相似, 最佳時刻是被荊棘刺穿的時刻.Like thine, when best he sings , is placed against a thorn.投射; 6MP, 射程7, 效果范圍1; 刺穿的冰矛.Missile; 6 MP, Range 7, AOE 1; Piercing ice spear.銠被鍍的被刺穿的耳環(huán)在清楚水晶鋪.Rhodium - plated pierced earrings in clear crys...