這種漿料主要由銀粉 、 玻璃料、有機載體組成.It is composed of silver powder, glass dust and organic carrier.清藍色玻璃料蓋碗.A blue glass bowl with cover, Qing Dynasty.這說明合適的玻璃料在適量摻雜情況下可以提高陶瓷材料的壓電性能.This indicated that the appropriate frit can impro...
“玻璃質”的英語可以翻譯為:vitric,glassiness ...
該公司現在報價3,900英鎊安裝雙層玻璃窗。The company is now offering to double-glaze the windows for £3,900.幾個幫派昨晚聚眾鬧事,他們打碎商店臨街的玻璃窗,并投擲石塊和瓶子。Gangs rioted last night, breaking storefront windows and hurling rocks and bottles.有一扇飾有家族盾形紋章的彩色玻...
“鉛玻璃”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] lead glass ...
完全干燥玻璃粉吸附大量的二氧化碳.Considerable quantities of CO ? are adsorbed even by perfectly dry glass powder.這是非常微電子準備無鉛玻璃粉重要.It is very important for microelectronic to prepare lead - free glass powders.在3Y-TZP粉料中直接加入玻璃粉,可顯著降低材料的燒結...
腎小球有表明免疫學過程的玻璃樣變化.Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process.高血壓或糖尿病時常出現動脈玻璃樣變.Hyaline arteriolosclerosis with hypertension or diabetes mellitus is usually present.真皮中下層膠原纖維增生 、 致密、紅染,輕度玻璃樣變...