別讓你的行為成為人家說三道四的話柄.Don't let your conduct give any handle for gossip.他成了村中的話柄.She became the byword of the village.他將不得不向他們解釋和否認,使自己成為眾人的話柄.He would have to explain and deny and make a general mark of himself....
“柄后腹”的拼音為:bǐng hòu fù...
老頭兒系上帆腳繩,把舵柄夾緊.The old man made the sheet fast and jammed the tiller.老人系緊帆腳索,卡住了舵柄.The old man made the sheet and jammed the tiller.舵柄用來轉動舵以駕駛船的杠桿.A lever used to turn a rudder and steer a boat....
“槳柄”的拼音為:jiǎng bǐng...
“曲柄”的拼音為:qū bǐng...
“花柄”的英語可以翻譯為:anthocaulus,flower stalk ...
“總柄”的拼音為:zǒng bǐng...
“釬柄”的拼音為:qiān bǐng...
玫瑰花的花柄上有刺, 拿的時候要小心.There is thorn on the stem of the rose. Be careful when you hold it.過早的生子(結實):植物未成熟期開花或結實,從薔薇結長為花柄.Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette....
由彎曲的容器或鏟子構成的能舉起松散的材料的有柄的工具.A clamp that holds a tool or the material aas a lathe.另外一人有柄的斧頭,他幫所有人劈木頭.One guy has log splitter and chops up people's logs for them....
“雄蕊柄”的英語可以翻譯為:staminal pode,androphore,gonophore ...
“舵柄”的拼音為:duò bǐng...
“話柄”的拼音為:huà bǐng; huà bìng...
“葉柄”的拼音為:yè bǐng...
他們當時正在轉動曲柄鉆.They were twirling a brace drill....
“配囊柄”的英語可以翻譯為:gametangiophore,suspensor ...
菌柄:蘑菇或傘菌結構的一部分,其上著生菌蓋.The stalk of mushroom or toadstool , which bears the cap or pileus.ZR的濃度決定著菌柄在不同發(fā)育時期的生長率.The concentration of and ZR corresponded with stipe growth rate in different development stage.本試驗從菌柄基部分離得到2支...
“笑柄”的拼音為:xiào bǐng...
“花冠柄”的英語可以翻譯為:anthophore ...
他不喜歡在細節(jié)上被人抓住把柄。He did not like to be caught out on details.把柄落在對方手里.The evidence against sb . has fallen into the hands of the opponent.那些警察之所以經常去敲他的竹杠是因為抓住把柄了.The policemen kept blackmailing him, because they had sth . ...
“柄后腹”的英語可以翻譯為:gaster,metapodeon ...
“手柄”的拼音為:shǒu bǐng...
“手柄”的英語可以翻譯為:hand shank,rein ...
“笑柄”的英語可以翻譯為:laughingstock,butt,joke,derision,a standing joke ...
“柄吸盤”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]ambulacra ...
“柄孔蓋”的英語可以翻譯為:deltidium ...
“菌柄”的拼音為:jūn bǐng...
“胃柄”的英語可以翻譯為:gastrostyle ...
“花柄”的拼音為:huā bǐng...
“腺柄”的英語可以翻譯為:adenophore ...