“巾擦法”的拼音為:jīn cā fǎ...
“擦布”的拼音為:cā bù...
“擦亮”的拼音為:cā liàng...
“擦口紅”的英語可以翻譯為:ouge ...
“擦熱”的拼音為:cā rè...
他用軟抹布擦亮了自己的柜臺。He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.我們把自己次好的靴子擦亮后穿上了。We polished and wore our second-best boots.云彩像被擦亮的金子一般閃閃發(fā)光。The clouds glowed like burnished gold....
錄音機被擦刮聲破壞了.The recording was spoiled by scratches....
所有的錫器都擦光了, 桌子都刷得雪白.All the tins were scoured, and the tables scrubbed snowy white.把它磨平擦光就得四五年工夫.It takes about four or five years to grind and polish it.把該切片的表面用沙紙擦光.The surface of the slice is smoothed by sanding....
“擦抹”的英語可以翻譯為:wipe,erasion ...
“擦亮劑”的英語可以翻譯為:polisher,polishing material,cleanser ...
“擦去”的英語可以翻譯為:erase,wipe off,[機]attrite,absterge,rub out ...
鞋上的擦痕很難除掉。Scuff marks from shoes are difficult to remove.有條痕的磨光面則稱為擦痕面.The striated and polished surfaces are called slicken - sides.柱狀節(jié)理面上未見斷層擦痕或任何移動的證據(jù).Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evid...
這些墻壁得好好擦洗。The walls needed a good scrub.母親擦洗地板,孩子也跟著干.The mother scrubbed the floor and her child did the same.把墻壁都擦洗干凈再刷新油漆.Clean down all the walls before repainting them....
“擦過”的拼音為:cā guò...
“擦刮”的英語可以翻譯為:gride ...
“擦痕”的拼音為:cā hén...
“擦劑”的拼音為:cā jì...
“擦拭”的英語可以翻譯為:clean,cleanse,wipe,scrub ...
為避免相撞而剎車時,他聽到了輪胎與地面刺耳的摩擦聲。He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.重型機器發(fā)出的刺耳的摩擦聲會讓他們心煩意亂。The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.只聽見刀叉摩擦瓷器的刺耳聲。The only sound is that of knives and forks ...
護士用抗菌劑涂擦傷口.The nurse painted the wind with antiseptic.用量凡是把持在涂擦后不有有火流狀的陳跡.Dasage general control flow in the scrub It'since there are no myofascialcutaneous.使用時以 1:10 配水均勻地涂擦或噴在玻璃表面上.Application : Windows , mirrors ...
“橡皮擦”的英語可以翻譯為:eraser ...
“擦”的近義詞/同義詞:揩, 抹, 拭, 涂。...
“擦掉”的拼音為:cā diào...
把鹽倒掉,把鍋擦凈。Tip away the salt and wipe the pan.我們用海綿洗墻,把最臟處給擦凈了.We sponged down the walls to get the worst of the dirt off.汽車沖洗后, 用油鞣革把它擦凈.When you've washed the car, wipe it down well with a shammy leather....
“擦抹”的拼音為:cā mǒ...
“磨擦的”的英語可以翻譯為:grinding ...