
阿卡英語 / 查找:” [共找到578條結果]
  • “的頭”造句

    詞典的開頭有目錄表.There is a table of contents in the front of a dictionary.我們沒看到電影的開頭部分.We missed the start of the movie.文章的開頭引用了一位未透露姓名的內(nèi)閣成員說過的話。The article starts with a quote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet....
  • “避”造句

    她點了份火雞三明治,以此來避開這個重要問題。She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich.拉比們努力避開政治問題。The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.當我朝克萊夫看去時,他刻意地避開了我的目光。When I looked at Clive, he studiously avoided my eyes....
  • “對的”造句

    毗連天后廟道對開的一條支路.It is adjoining a branch road off Tin Hau Temple Road.山墻上有對開的窗,以使空氣對流.Hill wall outside the window so that the air convection.兩張信用證應以對開的方式開出.The two letters of credIt'shall be opened against each other...
  • 始”的反義詞

    “開始”的反義詞:終了, 結束, 結尾, 結局, 結果, 終結, 罷休, 停止。...
  • 業(yè)”的拼音?

    “開業(yè)”的拼音為:kāi yè...
  • 會”造句

    南部一些州的領導正在路易斯維爾開會。Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville.在華盛頓,總統(tǒng)和他的顧問們一整天都在開會。In Washington, the President and his advisers spent the day in meetings.大會在開幕式結束后可能要再開會。The conference might reconvene after...
  • “放”的拼音?

    “放開”的拼音為:fàng kāi...
  • “打”怎么讀?

    “打開”的拼音為:dǎ kāi...
  • 張”的反義詞有哪些

    “開張”的反義詞:倒閉, 停業(yè)。...
  • “使分”用英語怎么說

    “使分開”的英語可以翻譯為:cut adrift,disannex ...
  • “叉的”造句

    他頹然坐下, 肩膀耷拉著, 雙臂垂在叉開的兩腿之間.He sat down heavily, his shoulders drooping, his arms falling between his outspread legs....
  • 展”的反義詞

  • “敞”造句

    這個論壇目前向所有企業(yè)家新秀敞開大門。The forum is now open to all budding entrepreneurs.他穿了件藍襯衫,領口敞開著。He wore a blue shirt open at the neck.大學神圣的大門緩慢又勉強地向女性敞開。The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women....
  • 除”造句

    哪個校長只要犯了這樣的錯誤都會被開除。Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out.5,000多名中學生因為作弊被開除。More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating.學校開除了數(shù)量空前的難以管教的小學生。Schools are bootin...
  • “走”的拼音

    “走開”的拼音為:zǒu kāi...
  • 始”怎么讀

    “開始”的拼音為:kāi shǐ...
  • “鋪”造句

    我像往常一樣鋪開我的睡袋。I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.他們鋪開紅地毯迎接客人.They rolled out the red carpet for the guests.運動已經(jīng)全面鋪開.The movement is fully under way....
  • 司米”造句

    她的衣物主要是寬大的開司米毛衣和小巧的意大利涼鞋。Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.我覺得表演中最精彩的要屬開司米外衣.I thought the highlight of the show was the cashmere coat.開司米料最為華貴.Cashmere is the most luxuri...
  • 火”造句

    警方的射擊手開火回擊時,購物者們躲在汽車后面。Shoppers took cover behind cars as police marksmen returned fire.他們遭遇警察時毫不猶豫地開火。They don't hesitate to open fire when confronted by police.有關軍隊開火的最初傳聞現(xiàn)在遭到了否認。Earlier reports that troops opened...
  • “放”的反義詞

    “放開”的反義詞:抓住, 收攏。...
  • “散的”造句

    他的額頭上垂著一綹散開的黑色卷發(fā)。A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.沿海灘散開的一隊騎手a group of riders strung out along the beach他們把四處散開的馬趕攏起來.They herded up their scattered horses....
  • 端的”的英語?

    “開端的”的英語可以翻譯為:germinant,introductory,[經(jīng)] preliminary,exordial,inceptive ...
  • “避”的英語?

    “避開”的英語可以翻譯為:turn off,avoid,evade,keep away from ...
  • 墾”造句

    它會出錢雇農(nóng)民開墾這塊低矮叢林來種植麥子。It would pay farmers to plough up the scrub and plant wheat.這一帶的土地從未開墾過。The land around here has never been cultivated.草原已經(jīng)開墾出來,種上了小麥.Grasslands have been broken and planted to wheat....
  • 采”的近義詞/同義詞

    “開采”的近義詞/同義詞:啟發(fā), 啟迪, 啟示, 開辟, 開拓, 開墾, 開發(fā), 發(fā)掘, 挖掘。...
  • “放”用英語怎么說?

    “放開”的英語可以翻譯為:let go,lift the control over,let go hold of,unclinch,unlash ...
  • “隔”造句

    她的病床用屏風與其他病人隔開。Her bed was screened off from the other patients.他坐在用隔板隔開的辦公室里的雙人沙發(fā)上。He sat on the two-seater sofa in the partitioned office.側巷和后花園之間用墻隔開了。The side alley was walled off from the back garden....
  • 導”的近義詞/同義詞

    “開導”的近義詞/同義詞:勸導, 疏導, 啟發(fā), 引導, 誘導, 開辟, 開發(fā), 啟迪, 啟示。...
  • “走”的英語?

    “走開”的英語可以翻譯為:eat it,go and chase oneself,begone,bug off,clear off ...
  • “劃”用英語怎么說?

    “劃開”的英語可以翻譯為:gash,rip ...