正是細(xì)菌生產(chǎn)出我們?cè)诘厍蛏虾粑难鯕?It is bacteria that have generated the oxygen we breathe on earth.這主要是指給我呼吸的空氣要好些.In the main, this means to give me better air to breathe.他們所呼吸的是利潤(rùn), 所吃的是資本的息金.They breathe profits; they eat the intere...
“呼氣”的拼音為:hū qì...
士兵對(duì)上校報(bào)以震天的歡呼聲。The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.她的舞蹈贏來(lái)震耳的歡呼聲、口哨聲和掌聲。Her dancing brought loud cheers, wolf whistles and applause.他們?cè)诰用駛兛駸岬臍g呼聲中邁步走進(jìn)鎮(zhèn)里。They marched into town to the wild cheers of...
“呼喊”的拼音為:hū hǎn...
他談話時(shí),一架軍用噴氣式飛機(jī)在鎮(zhèn)子上空呼嘯而過(guò)。As he talked, an airforce jet screamed over the town.頭頂上,直升機(jī)在呼嘯,巨大的螺旋槳葉片攪動(dòng)著空氣。Overhead, the chopper roared and the big blades churned the air.氣流一直從我們身邊呼嘯而過(guò)。The air was rushing past us all the time...
他呼吁自己的同胞不要喪失信心。He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.他呼吁企業(yè)不要過(guò)度提高價(jià)格。He appealed to firms not to increase their prices unduly.他呼吁任何看見(jiàn)襲擊者的人提供信息。He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers....
賽跑者要有良好的呼吸力.A runner needs good wind....
他雙手?jǐn)n在嘴邊,大聲呼喊黛安娜。He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane.他沖進(jìn)一幢房子呼喊求救。He forced his way into a house shouting for help.路過(guò)的人聽(tīng)到了他求救的呼喊。Passers-by heard his cries for help....
“呼出”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:exhalation,expiration,call out,breathe out,exsufflate ...
嗚呼,今天現(xiàn)場(chǎng)看蘇迪曼杯嘍^_^總決賽喲!Today the scene to see the world badminton final.飛來(lái)一蜇命嗚呼,六個(gè)只剩五.A bumble - bee stung one then there were five.嗚呼,我千瘡百孔的歐羅巴.A lot of ruin in a continent....
德斯蒙德叫醒他的時(shí)候他還在打呼嚕呢。He was snoring when Desmond awakened him.我聽(tīng)得見(jiàn)保羅在隔壁房間里打呼嚕。I could hear Paul snoring in the next room.我叔父打呼嚕時(shí), 你在隔壁房間里都能聽(tīng)到.When my uncle snores, you can hear him in the next room....
如一些哺乳動(dòng)物(鯨等)一樣從呼吸孔中噴出的潮濕的氣.To spout moist air from the blowhole . Used of a whale.為避免在睡眠時(shí)溺水, 海洋哺乳動(dòng)物保持對(duì)呼吸孔的控制至關(guān)重要.To avoid drowning during sleep, it is crucial that marine mammals retain control of their blowhole....
他們有時(shí)候?qū)ξ艺f(shuō)我只是個(gè)女招待,只不過(guò)稱呼好聽(tīng)一些罷了。Sometimes they tell me I'm just a glorified waitress.他用了眼下他最喜歡說(shuō)的“玩意兒”一詞來(lái)稱呼它。He calls it a "contraption", using his favourite word of the moment.所有雇員相互稱呼時(shí)都須在名字后添加敬語(yǔ)san(日語(yǔ)表示“先生”,“女士”)。All e...
“氣呼呼”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:in a huff,panting with rage,angrily,gasp out (e.g. in anger) ...
“烏呼”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[書] die,alas,alack ...
他朝馬路對(duì)面的一位朋友大聲呼喚.He cried to his friend on the opposite side of the street.呼喚者的聲音使她警覺(jué)起來(lái).The voice of the caller alerted her.遠(yuǎn)處有人在呼喚我們.Somebody is calling us in the distance....
他呼吸時(shí)胸部發(fā)出輕微的響聲.He has a slight wheeze in his chest.他呼吸時(shí)覺(jué)得吸進(jìn)肺部的空氣冷得刺人.The air came into his lungs sharp and cold as he breathed.呼吸時(shí)肺部擴(kuò)張.The lungs dilate when breathing....
深呼吸,吐氣。Take a deep breath and blow.他邊深呼吸邊擴(kuò)胸.He breathed deeply and expanded his chest.緩緩地深呼吸,并輕輕晃動(dòng)身體。Take some slow, deep breaths and give your body a bit of a shake....
多蘭將頭探出窗戶向歡呼的人們致謝。Doran stuck his head out of the window to acknowledge the cheering.沿途兩旁站著歡呼的人群。Cheering crowds lined the route.歡呼的聲音傳到他們的耳中.Shouts of welcome saluted their ears....
“呼?!钡钠匆魹椋篽ū lu...
“呼氣”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:expiration,breath,exsufflation,exhalation,exhale ...
呼喊聲在我們的耳邊回響.The shouts resounded in our ears.場(chǎng)賽終止,只是呼喊聲不絕.It's all over bar [ but ] the shouting.都結(jié)束了, 只是呼喊聲不絕.It's all over, but the shouting....
只有地下室窗戶上的鼓風(fēng)機(jī)不停地發(fā)出呼呼聲.Only the ventilator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle.只有地下室窗戶上的鼓風(fēng)機(jī)發(fā)出無(wú)休無(wú)止的呼呼聲.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle....
“呼吁”的近義詞/同義詞:號(hào)令, 召喚, 號(hào)召, 倡議。...
“深呼吸”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:deep breathing ...