中廳開有兩扇門。There were two doors leading off the central room.我們領了會議材料后魚貫進入講演廳。We picked up our conference materials and filed into the lecture hall.這廳最多能容納七十人.This hall holds a maximum of seventy people....
“舞廳”的英語可以翻譯為:allroom,dance hall,dancery,[電影]Le bal...
“客廳的”的英語可以翻譯為:parlor,parlour ...
她把我領進了她用作辦公室的前廳。She ushered me into the front room, which served as her office.我只好讓戴維在前廳等著.I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule.他們進入了前廳,跺著靴子,蹦跳著抖掉身上的雪。They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumpi...
飯廳裝修豪華,地上鋪有地毯。The dining-room is luxuriously furnished and carpeted.這個飯廳可同時供一千人就餐.In this dining hall 1000 people can be served at one sitting.餐桌上的花給飯廳帶來一點春天和青春的氣息.The flowers on the dining table touched the place with s...
“飯廳”的拼音為:fàn tīng...
“門廳”的拼音為:mén tīng...
議員離開了會議廳。The members left the council chamber.那牛闖進村會議廳,造成一片混亂.There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall.我們每次都在會議廳聽他講話。We are going to be in the council chamber every time he speaks....