帕特里夏以貝弗利·布魯克斯的藝名在幾部英國電影中飾演過小角色。Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several British films.比如《安迪?格里非斯》以及《貝弗利山人》.These included The Andy Griffith Show and The Beverly Hillbillies.我自己在貝弗利山的豪華宅...
“泡利”的拼音為:pào lì...
鋒利的刀刃可能會劃傷皮膚,導(dǎo)致出血。A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood.用一把非常鋒利的刀將褐色的皮從肉上剝?nèi)?。Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife.地上鋪滿了棱角鋒利的石子。The ground was strewn with sharp-edged pebbles....
“廷斯利”的英語可以翻譯為:Tinsley [英格蘭人姓氏] 住所名稱,來源于古英語人名Tynni+古英語,含義是“山,丘”(hill,mound) ...
莫利笑話我糟糕的方向感。Molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction.莫利跳了起來,氣急敗壞地大吼起來。Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.南希·莫利諾認為她已經(jīng)為人類盡了自己的一份力量.She had done her bit for humanity, Nancy Molineaux decide...
埃利奧特跨過終點線時僅比對手落后半秒鐘。Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.“你什么意思?。俊蔽覇?,替利迪感到憤憤不平。"What do you mean?" I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf.雪利的兄弟現(xiàn)在在瑞典做心臟外科高級顧問醫(yī)師。Shirley's brother...
“有利于”的英語可以翻譯為:favor,be propitious to,in favor of,make for,vail ...
她話鋒一轉(zhuǎn),銳利地指向那對平庸的夫婦.She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple....
“利息”的英語可以翻譯為:interest 縮寫為 i.int....
除股價上升之外還有無形利益。There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.我們得為50萬名顧客的利益著想。We have the interest of 500,000 customers to think of.讓我們各自的利益相吻合很重要。It is important that we dovetail our respective interests....
“智利的”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)] Chilean ...
“獲利”的拼音為:huò lì...
最好的羊絨產(chǎn)自美利奴羊.The finest fleece comes from Merino breed of sheep.1頭美利奴羊的絨毛產(chǎn)量可達12公斤.The fleece from a Merino can weigh up to 12 kilogrammes.茲寄上本公司的訂單,請立即發(fā)運100包一等品美利奴羊毛.Herewith we an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bal...
有些土壤其實堿性過強,不利于某些植物生長。Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.當時的經(jīng)濟狀況不利于實行集權(quán)統(tǒng)治。The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.該公司保守的本性不利于競爭。The company's conservative insti...
約拿: 哦, 你說得一點不假. 好啦,好啦, 安靜點, 喬利, 安靜點.Jonah : Wow, you're not kidding. OK, OK, steady boy , steady!阿利斯泰爾: 你會不會帶喬利同行?Alistair: Will you be taking Jolly with you?拉喬利納否認自己的所作所為有任何非法之處.Mr Rajoelina denies he has done anyt...
“利益”的英語可以翻譯為:interest,benefit,profit,behalf,[電影]The Profit...
這種鄙吝勢利的暴發(fā)戶, 咱們不希罕和他們做親家. ”Well , we've no need for relatives who are such stingy, snobbish parvenus as that. "勢利的球形門柄正在大堂里做他的嗜好.Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby.天吶,我真得好意思告訴那幫勢利的朋友們我在 沃爾瑪 買東西?Can I reall...
“不利”的拼音為:bù lì ...
最近的安全泊地在新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯。The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.哈利勒聽到了雪崩傳來的轟隆聲。Khalil heard the thunder of an avalanche.很自然地,簡對哈利的干預(yù)極為不滿。Not unnaturally, Jane greatly resented Harry's interference....
她目前在利茲大學(xué)修讀一門商科課程。She is currently doing a business studies course at Leeds.巴里負責端著碗,由利茲向碗里盛湯。Barry held the bowls while Liz ladled soup into them.“莫伊拉跟你說什么啦?”利茲突然生氣地質(zhì)問道。"What did Moira tell you?" Liz demanded with a flash...
“瀉利鹽”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] epsom salt,epsomite ...
“高利貸”的英語可以翻譯為:usury,usurious loan,dear money,feneration ...
今年他的股票紅利增加了.The yields on his shares have increased in this year.你得到多少紅利?What dividend did you receive?這些收益不夠支付投保人每年分得的紅利。These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders....
“威利斯”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Willies,[人名] Willys,[人名] Wyllys ...
“便利”的英語可以翻譯為:convenient,easy,for the convenience of,facilitate,advantage ...
“大勝利”的英語可以翻譯為:flying colours ...
利息按月支付。提款須提前3個月通知銀行。Interest is paid monthly. Three months' notice is required for withdrawals.這些貸款延期償還以支付舊賬利息。Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones.該方案提供種子基金融資,其貸款只收取4%的利息。The scheme offers s...
“福利”的英語可以翻譯為:material benefits,well-being,welfare,boon,weal...