他要求看修訂本。He asked to see the amended version.修訂本實際上是一本新書.The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book.我得到了他編的詞典的修訂本.I have got the revision of his dictionary....
“修理”的拼音為:xiū lǐ...
這工具失修, 需要拆修.The tool is out of repair, it needs an overhaul....
我們開設(shè)會計課,作為副修課程.We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.這學(xué)期他有三門副修科目.He had three minors this semester.他主修英文,副修歷史.English is his major and history is his minor....
“選修”的英語可以翻譯為:take as an elective course ...
“選修”的拼音為:xuǎn xiū...
“修”的近義詞/同義詞:建, 筑。...
埃塔爾的修道士把修道院維護得很好。The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair.1857年,孟德爾開始在修道院的菜園里用豌豆做實驗。In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden.從他的外表來看可以明顯看出修道院生活的清貧。The privations of monastery life we...
因為它對人體的作用是內(nèi)外兼修的.Because it is and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function.約翰兼修計算機科學(xué).John minors in computer science.他兼修化學(xué).He minors in chemistry....
你在大學(xué)主修的科目是什么?What subject did you major in university?但是安迪的媽媽在大學(xué)里主修的是英語專業(yè).But Andy's mother was an English major in college.他主修的是神經(jīng)官能癥的治療.He is majoring in the treatment of medical neurosis....
需要將酥皮切開以及修型時, 用施用尖銳的刀,快切快修,防止酥皮被刀刃拉開.When cutting and trimming pastry, use a sharp knife that cuts quickly and easily without dragging....
“修養(yǎng)”的近義詞/同義詞:涵養(yǎng), 素養(yǎng), 教養(yǎng)。...
理發(fā)師給他修面理發(fā).The barber gave him a shave and a haircut.我要修面.I need [ want ] a shave.你是自己修面,還是去理發(fā)店修面?Do you shave yourself or go to the barber's?...
“裝修”的拼音為:zhuāng xiū...
“修辭學(xué)”的英語可以翻譯為:hetoric ...
“修理”的反義詞:損壞, 破壞。...
“修女”的拼音為:xiū nǚ...
有人在(鍋爐的)檢修孔中工作.Someone is working in the manhole.在油箱頂部設(shè)置檢修孔,以拆卸過濾器和濾清器.Put a manhole cover on the tank top for removing filters and strainer.由于(鍋爐的)檢修孔里有人在,所以那個司機再也無法前進.This driver cannot driver any farther because there...
他敘述了他了解到的新修訂的法律條例.He related what he had learnt of the new legal remedy.這一立法修訂的啟動取決于議會的通過.Commencement of the legislation is subject to passage through the Parliament.現(xiàn)將這部經(jīng)過修訂的作品奉獻給讀者.The work is now presented to the rea...
“修改”的近義詞/同義詞:修正, 點竄, 篡改, 竄改, 編削, 修削, 刪改, 批改, 改正。...
“修改”的拼音為:xiū gǎi...
“修面人”的英語可以翻譯為:a shave...
“修理”的英語可以翻譯為:epair,mend,trim,prune,fix ...
“修表者”的英語可以翻譯為:meterman ...
“靜修”的拼音為:jìng xiū...
“修坯”的英語可以翻譯為:epaired biscuit,fettle,trim,fettlin ...
“修釬爐”的拼音為:xiū qiān lú...