
阿卡英語 / 查找:ship” [共找到593條結果]
  • ladyship造句

    If your ladyship will step this way, please.小姐, 請這邊走.Watch out, Jill her ladyship is in one of her moods!吉爾, 小心為妙--小姐大人可有點不高興了." Is that all right ? Not worried now? " he said. " All satisfactory to your ladyship? "“ 還好 ...
  • lectureship例句

    a lectureship in media studies大眾傳播學講師職位The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years.講師這一職位任期三年.LECTURESHIP IN JAPANESE ( Vacancy UAC . 270 )日語講師 ( 奧克蘭大學招字270號 )...
  • lectureships怎么讀

  • ownership造句

    Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets.巴西稱其憲法禁止個人占有能源資產。Gun ownership by law-abiding people was not a problem.讓守法的人持有槍械并不會惹麻煩。Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire ...
  • lordship例句

    My name is Richard Savage, your Lordship.尊敬的閣下,我叫理查德·薩維奇。His Lordship is away on business.爵爺有事出去了。His lordship will be out of country until next week.大人他下周才從國外回來....
  • citizenship例句

    Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.和他們同齡的德國人有著更強烈的公民歸屬感。They're going to take my citizenship away.他們打算取消我的國籍。Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.英國...
  • chiefship的意思?

  • growthmanship的音標?

  • learnership什么意思解釋?

  • ambassadorship的意思

  • discipleship是什么意思

  • relationships怎么讀?

  • steamships造句

    Berths on steamships can be booked a long while in advance.輪船上的床位可以提前多日預訂.The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships.帆船已被汽船所取代.Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like Cutty sark were used t...
  • acquaintanceship是什么意思?

  • horsemanship造句

    She is proud of her horsemanship.她為自己的騎術感到自豪....a riding school wherein we could learn the art of horsemanship...一所我們可以在那里學習馬術的騎術學校riding horses across country over obstructions to demonstrate horsemanship騎馬穿過障礙物來證明騎馬術to...
  • airships造句

    The best airships were the giant Graf Zeppelin and the luxurious Hindenburg of the 1930s.最好的飛船是20世紀30年代特大的齊柏林號和豪華的興登堡號。The reason for the British bias towards airships at this stage is not hard to deduce.弄清英國人在這個階段如此熱衷于建...
  • shipowner造句

    The shipowner shall be liable for compensation for any losses suffered by the charterer thereby.致使承租人遭受損失的,出租人應當負賠償責任.Large amount of disputes occurs spontaneously shipowner and charterer on this case.船東和租船人圍繞這個內容產生的糾紛為數(shù)...
  • guardship例句

    A guardship had just quitted the port of Toulon.有一艘警備艦已從土倫港開出來....
  • friendships是什么意思

    n.友情( friendship的名詞復數(shù) ),友誼,朋友關系...
  • lightships什么意思解釋

    n.(停泊在危險水域作導航用的)燈塔船( lightship的名詞復數(shù) )...
  • midships怎么讀?

  • governorship怎么讀?

  • apprenticeships例句

    The number of apprenticeships has declined sharply in recent years.在近幾年里,當學徒的人數(shù)已鮮明地下降了.Suncor offers two types of entry level apprenticeships.森科爾提供兩種類型的入門級學徒.More money is being put into apprenticeships.更多錢(正在)用于投入學徒....
  • companionship例句

    I depended on his companionship and on his judgment.我信賴他的友情,也相信他的判斷。The majority of people own a dog for companionship.大多數(shù)人養(yǎng)狗是為了有個伴兒。She found the companionship of Marcia a solace.她覺得馬西婭的陪伴是莫大的安慰。...
  • merchantship的意思

    [法] 商船...
  • readership造句

    The proliferation of media choices , especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige.隨著越來越多的媒體出現(xiàn)在人們面前, 尤其是隨著因特網的發(fā)展, 報紙的讀者群及影響面都有不同程度的下降.What's the target readership of this paper?這份報紙以哪...
  • laureateship是什么意思?

  • scholarship造句

    You could be eligible for a university scholarship.你也許有資格獲得大學獎學金。On the strength of those grades, he won a scholarship to Syracuse University.憑借那些成績,他贏得了錫拉丘茲大學的獎學金。But this does not vitiate his scholarship.但這不會威脅到他的獎學金。I...
  • companionships例句

    He adored the life of the German University with its happy freedom and its jolly companionships.他對德國大學的生活贊不絕口認為德國大學的生活非常自由自在,人們的交往也令人愉快....
  • ship的近義詞有哪些

    ship的近義詞有:boat, ship, canoe, steamer, vessel, craft,send, deliver, dispatch, forward, ship, transmit。下面這些名詞均含有"船"的含義:boat:泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠劃槳或風帆行進的無篷小船。ship:含義廣,一般指大輪船,如航海船只,內河航運船只。canoe:指長而輕,用槳的小舟、獨木船。steamer:指靠蒸汽發(fā)動機為動力的船只。...