這條河水流湍急,變幻莫測。The current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous.一道攔河壩將會在上游攔住水流,抬升水位。A barrage would halt the flow upstream and lift the water level.這對夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。The couple were swept away by the strong current....
湯姆雖然也意志消沉, 卻盡力不流露出來.Tom was downhearted, but tried hard not to show it.瑪妮雅低聲背誦了主禱文, 謹(jǐn)慎地不流露自己的感情.Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings.她有些惱火了, 但還是努力克制著不流露出來.She was getting a little ang...
“流電”的拼音為:liú diàn...
“潮流”的英語可以翻譯為:tide,tidal current,trend,tidal wave,swim ...
然后,這些正電荷中的一些電荷由從導(dǎo)線B流入的電子得到補償.Some of these positive charges are then satisfied by electrons blowing in from wire B.水壓頭是由處于熱帶的牙買加內(nèi)地流入的淡水提供的.The hydrodynamic head is provided by influx of fresh water from the interior of t...
“鎮(zhèn)流管”的拼音為:zhèn liú guǎn...
“流生”的英語可以翻譯為:dropout ...
小河越來越窄,最后變成了涓涓細(xì)流.The stream had thinned down to a mere trickle.這條小河變成細(xì)流了.The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle.涓涓細(xì)流匯成了小溪.The trickle became a stream....
"十二橡樹村"可能還有北方佬或下流黑人呢.There might be Yankees or mean niggers at Twelve Oaks....
“流入量”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]influx ...
如開票人或提款人作類似限制,則票據(jù)的流通性就會遭到破壞.A similar restriction by a maker or drawer would destroy the negotiality of the instrument.寬松的信貸標(biāo)準(zhǔn)因而帶來了貨幣的流通性.With all the liquidity have come laxer lending standards.此外, 指數(shù)的流通性也得到增強.In additi...
JustDoit(想做就做)成了近來記憶中用得最濫的流行語之一。"Just Do It" has become one of the most overused catch phrases in recent memory.瑜亮胡侃, 還將誕生多少流行語?Hu Kan Liang - yu, the number of the birth of popular will?此話一出, 立刻成為國內(nèi)的一句流行語.But when it di...
1998年的資本外流量為220億元。There was a capital outflow of $22 billion in 1998.這條河平均流量為每秒二百立方米.The average flow of the river is 200 cubic metres per second.按摩有助于增加身體特定部位的血液流量。Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific are...
雨水過多是亞馬遜河與剛果河流域赤道地區(qū)的大問題.Too much rain is the problem of the equatorial lands in the Amazon and Congo basins.亞馬孫河流域已有40萬平方公里的森林遭到濫伐。400,000 square kilometres of the Amazon basin have already been deforested.尼羅河流域一年四季氣候溫和。...
“流入”的英語可以翻譯為:inflow,influx,indraught,afflux,feed ...
火流星出現(xiàn)時,你會正好在記錄一顆+5等的流星.When a fireball appears you will invariably be recording a + 5 m meteor.火流星永遠會出現(xiàn)在你相機的視場中,只不過總是在曝光間隔出現(xiàn).A fireball will invariably appear in your camera's field of view in between exposures.火流星會...
“恒流器”的英語可以翻譯為:galvanostat ...
“下流人”的英語可以翻譯為:cad,[法] blackguard ...
“軟流圈”的拼音為:ruǎn liú quān...
與我們同時,他們也來到匯流處, 造成河道擁堵,兩邊的木筏還發(fā)生了好幾次碰撞.They entered the confluence at the same time, creating congestion and several collisions between our rafts.很快,我們來到河上最危險的一段——匯流處, 這是兩條河交匯的地方.It wasn't long before we were facing ...
“閘流管”的拼音為:zhá liú guǎn...
“風(fēng)流”的拼音為:fēng liú...
“流水”的拼音為:liú shuǐ...
“節(jié)流”的反義詞:浪用, 浪費。...
瑞士人想要阻止外資流入。The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money.流入湖中的泉水和河水?dāng)y帶了溶于水的硝酸鹽和磷酸鹽。Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates.數(shù)百噸石油溢出流入大海。Hundreds of tons of oil spilled ...
這款汽車巧妙地將經(jīng)典式樣融入到流線型的現(xiàn)代設(shè)計中。The car neatly blends classic styling into a smooth modern package.索菲婭舒舒服服地坐到了自己流線型的座位上。Sophia settled into her comfortably contoured seat.汽車越來越向流線型節(jié)能方向發(fā)展。Cars are becoming so aerodynamically eff...