鐵線蕨 科:一科廣泛分布的蕨類植物, 特別是在美洲潮濕的熱帶分布較多.Adiantaceae ( maidenhair ferns ) A family of ferns ( Filicinophyta ) found throughout the world, especially in the moist American tropics....
“線狀”的拼音為:xiàn zhuàng...
你的電腦是無線還是有線的?Is your computer wireless or wired?大家都對有線的剝離感到高興, 這樣時代華納就可以集中精力于核心業(yè)務.Everybody on the cable stripping are pleased, so Time Warner can focus on core business.有線的生活也帶來了越來越多的關于隱私和保護在線身份的擔憂.Wired life has also a...
“心臟線”的英語可以翻譯為:cardioid ...
“同相線”的英語可以翻譯為:isopen ...
他們的生活水平勉強在最低水平線以上.They were living barely above the level of subsistence.海港的燈火在水平線上閃爍著.Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.我們也可以將矩陣分塊,即在行以及列之間畫一些水平線和垂直線.We may partition matrices by drawing horizontal and vertica...
“鐵線蕨”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] capillaire ...
“線型”的英語可以翻譯為:alphabet of lines,type of line,linetype ...
工人們正忙著給那所新建的學校裝電線.The workmen are busy wiring the new school.為一座房子裝電線就是在其中布上必要的電線.To wire a house is to put the necessary electric wires in it.我們不得不再給這幢建筑重裝電線和鉛管.We ( had to ) rewire the building, re - plumb it....
“液相線”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] liquidus ...
“擺線的”的英語可以翻譯為:cycloidal ...
當在格線上使用景深效果時, 能夠幫助消除視圖中格線方向的歧義.Depthcueing, when used on grids, helps disambiguate the orientation of the grid in the view.把這個長方形沿著格線,切成兩塊連續(xù)的區(qū)域.Cut the rectangle to two connected area following by grid lines.但是對于某些應用程序, ...
歐幾里得不自覺地假定了直線的無限性.Where Euclid unconsciously assumed the infinitude of straight lines.對輸入信號的響應偏離直線的程度.Deviation from a straight - line response to an input signal.通過這兩直線的交點做橫軸的垂線.Draw a line perpendicular to the horizont...
這些分子鏈彼此纏繞,形成纜線狀的結構。These strands of molecules twine around each other to form cable-like structures.其核酸結構為線狀雙股DNA, 衣殼為二十面體對稱,有囊膜.It has linear double strand DNA, icosahedral - capsid and envelope.其中畫線算法是實現線狀符號的理論基礎.Algor...
“線裝”的拼音為:xiàn zhuāng...
三條運輸線為交易會服務.Three transportation lines will serve the fair.其外層環(huán)帶還有溝通樹冠和樹根的運輸線.The outer zones are the conducting routes between the crown and the roots.使用鐵路運輸線的人數在上升,這是個好兆頭.One encouraging portent is that more people are...
“小線蟲”的拼音為:xiǎo xiàn chóng...
“索線”的拼音為:suǒ xiàn...
“細線”的英語可以翻譯為:leptonema,leptotene,threadlet,filament ...
“絲線”的拼音為:sī xiàn...
南北線穿過時針和十二點的中間線.The north - south line ran midway between the hour hand and 12 o'clock.日方堅稱以中間線劃界.Japan claims its boundary as the median line.中間線: 在一行英文字里,沿著小寫字母上端的一條假想線條.Mean line: Imaginary line which along the t...
“線寬”的拼音為:xiàn kuān...
“準線”的英語可以翻譯為:neat line (墻面); [數] directrix,alignment ...
通過分析采集的數據, 得到線寬.By analyze the data acquired , we can get beam line width.我沒試過你填入負的線寬是什么效果, 你試了告訴我一下.Please try the arc, and see what, and tell me.此外,還探討了過曝光理論與穩(wěn)定線寬的相互關系.The relationship between stabilizing linewidth and...
“光線”的英語可以翻譯為:light,luminous beam,ray,ray of light,beam ...
“頂垂線”的英語可以翻譯為:[數] altitude ...
“穿線”的拼音為:chuān xiàn...
“集線器”的英語可以翻譯為:concentrator ...
“路線”的近義詞/同義詞:道路, 門路, 途徑。...
“等壓線”的拼音為:děng yā xiàn...