“水氣腹”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] hydraeroperitoneum,hydropneumoperitoneum ...
硼在針鐵礦、水錳礦上的吸附為放熱過程,解吸為吸熱過程.By contrast , the process for goethite and manganite were exothermic....
摘水果的工作無聊,報酬低,還非常辛苦。Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work.我偏愛加有新鮮水果的精致油酥甜點。I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry.賣水果的小販推著他的車子在街上艱難地走著.The fruIt'seller trundled his cart a...
硼酸是一種極好的漂浮物,而水鋁氧卻毫無浮動性.Boric acid is an excellent floater while gibbsite has no native floatabiligy at all....
“水葑菜”的英語可以翻譯為:lake cress,cress ...
對洪水的預(yù)測并不是一門精確科學(xué)。Forecasting floods is not an exact science.他們在房屋周圍堆沙袋以抵御洪水的侵襲。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.據(jù)說,那里遭受了一場大洪水的襲擊.It is said that there has been a big flood....
馬路上到處是水洼,閃著光,不過雨停了。The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.暴雨過后路上有許多水洼兒.After the rainstorm, there were pools on the roads.孩子們愛踩濺著過水洼.Children love splashing through puddles....
“失水”的英語可以翻譯為:water loss,dehydration ...
“水螅類”的英語可以翻譯為:hydrozoan,hydrozoal,hydrozoa,hydrozoans ...
“趨水性”的拼音為:qū shuǐ xìng...
“淌口水”的拼音為:tǎng kǒu shuǐ...
臺上有不透水的罩篷.There was a waterproof canopy over the platform.它不能通過云母這樣的不透水的物質(zhì).It could not pass through material impervious to water such as mica.皮膚的外層不透水.The external layer of the skin is relatively impermeable to water....
“鏢水蚤”的英語可以翻譯為:Diaptomus,diaptomid (產(chǎn)于淡水),calanoid (產(chǎn)于海洋中) ...
“水壩”的拼音為:shuǐ bà...
物種范圍從很小部分的老鼠到產(chǎn)自巴西的100磅重的水豚.The species ranged from tiny field mice to the 100 - pound capybara from Brazil....
她走過時有一股濃烈的香水味。As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume.她在兩耳后分別擦上一小滴麝香香水。She dabbed a drop of the musky perfume behind each ear.它很快成為世界上最受歡迎的男士香水。It quickly became the most popular men's fragrance in the w...
“水巖蓋”的拼音為:shuǐ yán gài...
“水盆”的拼音為:shuǐ pén...
“向水性”的拼音為:xiàng shuǐ xìng...
“水錳礦”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] gray manganese ore,manganite ...
極地水域的成層性是微弱而暫時的.Stratification in polar waters normally is weak and transient.潛水:潛入一片水域的底部; 潛入水中.To go toward the bottom of a body of water ; submerge.她不洗衣和水域的花園里偶爾一些.She does some of the laundry and waters the garden oc...
“下水”的英語可以翻譯為:enter the water,be launched,take to evildoing,fall into evil ways,launch ...
倒泔水時過濾一下, 否則容易堵塞下水道.Pour the swill through a sieve, or it will clog the sewer.*禁止將“泔水”用作反芻動物飼料.Ban the use plate waste as a feed ingredient for ruminants.他以食品廚房提供的一點泔水為生.He lived on the thin slops that food kitchens prov...
如果以水作溶劑, 它便稱為水合.If water is the solvent, it is called hydration.如叮咚清泉, 以水的柔情和滋養(yǎng)象征優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù).If Ding Dong Qing, a symbol of nourishment and gentleness water quality.以水為凝固浴, 水法成形是在 “ 漏斗紡絲 ”.Water as coagulation bath, water law s...
“水災(zāi)”的反義詞:旱災(zāi), 火災(zāi)。...
“滯水”的拼音為:zhì shuǐ...
她學(xué)會了自己給房子拉接電線、敷設(shè)水管。She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.他們曾保證水管一年前徹底檢修過。They had ensured the plumbing was overhauled a year ago.總水管破裂了,整條街道發(fā)了大水。A water main burst and the street was flooded....
“水利”的英語可以翻譯為:water conservancy,irrigation works,water conservancy project ...