這些天我有點焦躁。我看是荷爾蒙在作怪。I get a bit uptight these days. Hormones, I suppose.“嗯,”他承認(rèn)道,“我有時候說話的確有點吐字不清?!?Well," he conceded, "I do sometimes mumble a bit."他最初面對媒體時情緒有點憂郁。He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood...
“終點站”的英語可以翻譯為:terminus,[電影]SuperBand Live In Taipei The Final Stop...
“色點”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] pigmentosa,pustula,locus ...
“對焦點”的英語可以翻譯為:focusing ...
“原點”的拼音為:yuán diǎn...
“標(biāo)點”的拼音為:biāo diǎn...
“相異點”的英語可以翻譯為:dissimilarity,dissimilitude ...
“低點”的英語可以翻譯為:low ...
油酥脆餅是一種松脆的小甜點;松脆的薄片餡餅皮.A rectangular piece of pastry made with crisp, flaky layers filled with custard cream....
“轉(zhuǎn)效點”的拼音為:zhuǎn xiào diǎn...
該存儲器保存一組對應(yīng)屏幕所有點的強度值.This memory area holds the intensity values for all the screen points.全面對稱性就是保持住時空內(nèi)所有點的對稱性.A global symmetry is one that holds at all points of spacetime.它使我建立了對 自信, 競爭甚至多少會有點的成功的強烈感覺.It makes me esta...
“近地點”的拼音為:jìn dì diǎn...
1938年,凱恩以點數(shù)擊敗杰基·杜里克,獲得了世界拳王稱號。Kane won the world title in 1938 when he outpointed Jackie Durich.她把手中的錢展成扇形開始點數(shù).She fanned the money in her hand and began to count.計數(shù)單元的新位置就用來形成新補充的極點數(shù).The new counting cell positions are ...
“雙焦點”的拼音為:shuāng jiāo diǎn...
這些溪流的匯合點.The point of juncture of such streams....
如改用雙焦點或漸進多焦點鏡片可能有助于減輕視疲勞.Use bifocal or varifocal lenses may relieve asthenopia....
在眼睛和下巴底部之間的中點畫鼻子.Halfway between the eyes and the bottom of the chin the nose.減淡工具: 用于增加高光點, 給局部加光和點畫.Dodge: Used for adding highlights, lightening areas and for stippling.第三, 先點畫, 后結(jié)構(gòu), 再章法.Third, the first stippling, po...
“一點點”的英語可以翻譯為:dust,tad,pick,modicum,scantling ...
首先考慮地面零點順風(fēng)方向22哩的位置.Consider, first, a location 22 miles downwind from ground zero.這個運動的能量叫做零點能.The energy associated with this motion is called the zero - point energy.電阻的變化造成零點漂移.The specific resistence change produces ...
“點蝕”的拼音為:diǎn shí...
“歧點”的英語可以翻譯為:[數(shù)] ambiguous point,bifurcation point,cusp,cuspidal point ...
“點火藥”的英語可以翻譯為:ignition powder,first fire composition,ignition charge,amorce ...
“點數(shù)”的拼音為:diǎn shù...
“星點”的拼音為:xīng diǎn...
以 飛點掃描 切削模式為基礎(chǔ),研制小光斑 飛點掃描 準(zhǔn)分子激光角膜屈光矯正系統(tǒng).The small scanning - excimer laser corneal system was developed based on flying - spot scanning model.摘要以飛點掃描切削模式為基礎(chǔ),研制小光斑 飛點掃描 準(zhǔn)分子激光角膜屈光矯正系統(tǒng).The small scanning - spot excimer lase...
這個排向事先約定的沙漠中的會合點進發(fā).The platoon made its way to the pre - arranged rendezvous in the desert.幸運的是,先返回的三架水上飛機在會合點發(fā)現(xiàn)了“E-11”號潛艇.Fortunately the first three seaplanes back at the rendezvous saw the submarine E 11.日月會合點對著天王星.Th...
我只要吃少量的甜點心.I'll have just a trifle of the dessert.她決定幾天不吃甜點心.She decided to forgo dessert for a few days.我們開始喝湯,最后吃甜點心.We started with soup and wound up with dessert....
觀測開始之前的一項主要工作是認(rèn)真選點.Careful reconnaissance is essential before observations begin.論述了用支撐柱加固無梁板的選點原則.The principle for choosing supporting points for strengthening flat - slab Was discussed.凡是由幾個任意選點確定的球面都是同心面.The spherica...
“基點”的英語可以翻譯為:asic point,starting point,[測] jig point,base point ...
“選點”的英語可以翻譯為:econnaissance ...