羊駝毛這種哺乳動物絲一般的毛.The silky wool of this mammal.摘要從產(chǎn)品的時尚及實用需求出發(fā),開發(fā)生產(chǎn)了化學(xué)纖維仿羊駝毛織物用紗.An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yarn was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality.從產(chǎn)品的時尚及實用需求出發(fā),開發(fā)生產(chǎn)了化學(xué)纖維仿羊駝毛織物用紗.An imitated ...
“羊毛脂”的英語可以翻譯為:lanolin,[化] adeps lanae,wool fat,yolk,lanoline ...
“毛躁”的英語可以翻譯為:short-tempered,irritable,rush and careless ...
深深的壕塹, 單吊橋, 厚重的石壁, 八座巨大的塔樓.大炮 、 毛瑟槍 、 火焰與煙霧.Deep ditch, single drawbridge, massive stone walls, eight at towers, cannon, muskets, fire and smoke.深深的壕塹 、 雙重的吊橋 、 厚重的石壁 、 八座巨大的塔樓.大炮 、 毛瑟槍 、 火焰與煙霧.Deep ditches, double drawb...
鉤刺斜管蟲無性生殖期間的口纖毛器及細(xì)胞發(fā)生研究 ( 原生動物: 纖毛蟲 )STOMATOGENESIS. AND CELL ONTOGENY IN CHILODONELLA UNCINATA EHRENBERG, 1838 ( PROTOZOA: CILIOPHORA )卡龍游仆蟲無性生殖期間的形態(tài)發(fā)生學(xué)研究 ( 原生動物, 纖毛蟲 )MORPHOGENETICAL STUDIES ON THE MARINECILIATE Euplot...
“毛羽”的英語可以翻譯為:filoplume,hairiness ...
“柔毛”的英語可以翻譯為:pubescence,fluff,lanugo,pubes ...
“毛隆”的英語可以翻譯為:chaetosema ...
你剛才在想毛伊島, 寬廣的海灘以及穿著比基尼的美女.You were just thinking of Maui, with the big beaches and the little bikinis.我有兩張頭等艙往返機(jī)票,是去夏威夷毛伊島的.I have two first class roundtrip airline tickets to Maui, Hawaii.閃電般反應(yīng)的六只針尖般的爪抓住了這只夏威夷毛伊島的白蟻.Lig...
“毛囊”的拼音為:máo náng...
“毛絨”的拼音為:máo róng...
新西蘭最早的居民是毛利人.The earliest people of New Zealand is Maori.新西蘭人口大約有三百八十萬, 其中約百分之十四是毛利人.New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people, of which about 14 percent are Maori....
她那雙黑色的大眼睛把一種無傷大雅的惡作劇的頑皮神色掩藏在長睫毛的下面.Her large dark eyes hid a soft roguishness under their long lashes.我在畫一只長著長睫毛的打哈欠的獅子.I'd drawn a picture ofa yawning lion with long eyelashes.我們也有一些助長睫毛的睫毛膏.We also have mascara de...
“剪毛”的拼音為:jiǎn máo...
“叢毛狀”的英語可以翻譯為:flocculence ...
“鞭毛子”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]flagellula ...
“羽毛管”的英語可以翻譯為:a quill,a barrel...
大多數(shù)海洋腹足綱軟體動物在某些幼體階段形成一種有纖毛的游泳器官。Most marine gastropod mollusks develop a ciliate swimming organ in certain larval stages.我那不怕疲勞的小纖毛每秒鐘約做10次清掃動作.My tireless little cilia make about ten sweeping strokes a second.健康的皮膚, 粘膜...
“毛巾布”的英語可以翻譯為:towelling cloth ...
休戰(zhàn)之鳥揮殘翅血色翎毛如雨下.There are crimson feathers falling from the slaughtered bird of truce.13鴕鳥的翅膀歡然扇展,豈是顯慈愛的翎毛和羽毛 么 ?The wings of the ostrich flap joyously: Are they the pinion and plumage of lovingkindness?13鴕鳥的翅膀歡然扇展,豈是顯慈愛的...
毛孔無須放大就可以看見。Pores are visible without magnification.通過張開的毛孔排出汗液和污垢。Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt.她渾身上下每個毛孔都散發(fā)著性感。She oozes sexuality from every pore....
最后一只洗毛槽用來漂清羊毛,減少羊毛的堿性.The last bowl provides a rinse to reduce the alkalinity of the wool.闡述了原毛的組成、性質(zhì)及賽絡(luò)洗毛機(jī)理、工藝,介紹了賽絡(luò)洗毛法的應(yīng)用, 并列舉出各種洗毛法洗毛效果比較.The components and properties of the raw wool, the mechanism and technology of ...
“開毛機(jī)”的英語可以翻譯為:[紡] tenterhook willow,wool opener,fearnaught ...
“異毛類”的英語可以翻譯為:Heterotricha ...
“絨毛的”的英語可以翻譯為:downy,fuzzy ...
“毛躁”的拼音為:máo zao ...
“毛蒿素”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]Capillin ...
“細(xì)羊毛”的拼音為:xì yáng máo...
他房間的所有墻面都是用拉毛粉飾法粉飾的.All the walls of his house were stuccoed.以滌綸纖維為紗,棉纖維為毛圈紗,采用先印花后拉毛圈的方法,實現(xiàn)了較為明顯的朦朧印花效果.Printing followed warp - knittedfabric with polyester base yarn and cotton looped yarn good shadow effects.外立面采用的純手...