“自動性”的英語可以翻譯為:automaticity,automatism,ultromotivity ...
熱決不會自發(fā)地從低溫物體流向高溫物體.Heat never flows spontaneously from a cooler to a hotter body.長成的腫瘤自發(fā)地消退是罕見的.The spontaneous regression of established tumors is a rare.大伙兒自發(fā)地開始拍手叫好,一會兒平臺上就響徹了掌聲.Spontaneously they began to clap and pr...
“自夸”的近義詞/同義詞:自詡, 自負, 自滿。...
他想通過計算機實現流程的自動化。He wanted to use computers to automate the process.自動化氣象站將風向信息輸入計算機。An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.自動化會使工作周縮短,也更為靈活。Automation would bring a shorter, more...
“自益”的拼音為:zì yì...
“自療”的拼音為:zì liáo...
這些領袖可能會自感無所不能而得意忘形。These leaders can become intoxicated with a sense of their own omnipotence.鄰居們試圖想讓他自感羞愧而從此閉口,他是不會乖乖就范的。He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.我自感體力已退化了.I definitely felt a deterioration in ...
“自然的”的英語可以翻譯為:natural,spontaneous,[醫(yī)] Indian physic,unaffected,artless ...
“自豪”的近義詞/同義詞:自大, 自負, 自尊, 自傲, 驕傲, 高慢, 高傲, 驕橫, 驕氣, 自高, 傲慢。...
“自發(fā)光”的拼音為:zì fā guāng...
“自守”的拼音為:zì shǒu...
“自動化”的拼音為:zì dòng huà...
“自信的”的英語可以翻譯為:self-confident,confident,self-assurance ...
但在行為成為自動性前有什么普遍的指南 嗎 ?But are there any general guidelines for how long it takes before behaviours become automatic?...
卡琳喜歡他那種平靜而自在的默默無言的神態(tài).Carreen liked him because of his placid and unembarrassed silences.我看你裹著那條圍巾,一定挺不自在的.I should think you would be very unhappy with that shawl.一種不自在的疑慮感首次向他襲來.For the first time a feeling of uneasy do...
他親自照顧客人.He saw to the comforts of his guests personally.他親自主持這個會議.He chaired the meeting in his proper person.他親自領我們到大廈各處參觀.He conducted as personally through the mansion....
“自主”的近義詞/同義詞:自助, 自立, 自決。...
“自夸者”的英語可以翻譯為:vapor ...
聯邦理事會的率 - 設定自由市場委員會獨自地留下 短期 的比率, 當做期望.The Fed's rate - setting Open Market Committee left short - term rates alone, as expected.極端的世界獨自地, 然后它分別地落下,分別地落下!Extreme worlds alone, then it fell apart, fell apart!你獨自地吃著, 看...
換言之,它有大的自同構群.In other words it has a large automorphism group.摘要從線性碼的生成矩陣出發(fā), 研究線性碼的自同構群.According to the generator matrix of a linear code, automorphism group is studied.在結構解析過程中,自同構群的生成是必須的.It is necessary to generate a...
“自守”的英語可以翻譯為:[數] automorph,automorphism ...
“自動地”的英語可以翻譯為:automatically,of oneself,voluntarily,willingly ...
自動線能提高效率.The automation line heightens the effect.8年CNC或自動線維修經驗.Above 8 years correlative experience about CNC or Automatic Line.來料加工塑料 、 五金 、 玻璃等制品全自動線無塵UV涂裝 、 絲印 、 移印 、 燙金 、 電子裝配.Processing plastic, metal, glass produc...
“自調”的拼音為:zì tiáo...
來自世界各地的電視工作者和新聞記者齊聚一堂。There were television crews and pressmen from all around the world.來自投票站的消息稱投票率很高。A high turnout was reported at the polling booths.來自首都洛美的報道稱,部隊駐扎在大街上。Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are...
“自從”的英語可以翻譯為:since ...
“自配”的英語可以翻譯為:autogamy ...