“接骨師”的英語可以翻譯為:onesetter ...
“接來”的英語可以翻譯為:fetch ...
“貼接”的英語可以翻譯為:[無脊椎] amplexiform ...
“接近”的英語可以翻譯為:e close to,near,[天] approach,approximation,adjacence...
“接收”的反義詞:推卻, 推辭, 拒絕, 謝絕。...
這些開關(guān)可使接觸器接通電流形成回路.The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit.使接觸可見在手機內(nèi) 置 的聯(lián)系人應(yīng)用 ( 隱藏 ).Makes the contact visible in the phone built - in Contact application ( unhide ).使用無需手持的耳機能使接觸輻射量降至最低.Start with a hand...
“壓接”的英語可以翻譯為:crimping,pressure welding ...
有人甚至說,他之所以任命自己的政治對手,是因為他知道所給的職位是杯誘人的毒酒,接受者肯定撐不過一年。Some people even claimed that he appointed his political rival only in the belief that he was giving him a poisoned chalice and that he would not last more than a year.肝臟...
“對接”的英語可以翻譯為:abutment,abutting joint,butt-joint,butt to butt ...
在焊接處看到了夾渣, 氣孔及未熔透區(qū)的油漆.Slag, blowholes, and paint on unfused regions were observed at the welded junctions.焊接處要平整.Welding shall be ground smooth.對于鋁合金 、 銅 、 鎂 、 鋅合金鑄造與焊接處之間的研磨性具有很好的效果.The products have a good effect on gr...
“轉(zhuǎn)接器”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] adaptor,interconnecting device,commutator ...
“我10點半去接你,”她果斷地說道。"I'll call for you at half ten," she said decisively.他起身去接了電話。He got up and answered the telephone.讓我們留個口信,通知她到火車站去接我們.Let's leave her a message to meet us at the railway station....
“鏈接”的英語可以翻譯為:interlinkage,interlinking,[自] catenate,catenation,link ...
有人拍到了他們在站臺接吻的照片。They were photographed kissing on the platform.我們一定要聽那些接吻的部分 嗎 ?Do we have to hear the kissing part?你在接吻的時候,怎么會連是克里斯凱勒還是內(nèi)森都分辨不出來?How could you kiss chris keller and then think that chris was nathan?...
斷骨被十分小心地接合復(fù)位。Broken bones were painstakingly pieced together and reshaped.不同的部件都必須能順利接合。The different components all have to interface smoothly.電線末端意外地與開關(guān)接合在一起.The end of the wire had become accidentally fused with the s...
“接壤的”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] neighbouring ...
他今天向繼任者交接了工作.He gave over charge of his office to his successor today.維持秩序和紀(jì)律的工作已交接給了校長和管理機構(gòu)了。Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.它的目的是為了提供快速交接.Its purpose is to provide...
“接合器”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] adaptor,clutch,[醫(yī)] adapter ...
“內(nèi)接”的拼音為:nèi jiē...
所列出的彎管接頭是你們所生產(chǎn)的唯一的裝置 嗎 ?Are the flex connectors listed the only units you manufacturer?如有必要,拆卸軸管和軸管接頭間的密封件.Remove sealer from axle tube to housing junction, if necessary.首先從閥芯上拆卸管接頭螺母和端口連接件.Remove the union nuts and end ...
“橋接件”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] bridgeware ...
“接壤”的拼音為:jiē rǎng...
“編接”的英語可以翻譯為:splice ...
他要求轉(zhuǎn)接到倫敦大學(xué)的電話總機。He asked to be connected to the central switchboard at London University.我雇用了一名秘書轉(zhuǎn)接打給我的電話。I employ a secretary to screen my calls.只有當(dāng)電話被轉(zhuǎn)接到英國之外,客戶才會被加收額外的電話費。Customers will only incur additional call char...
“接近”的拼音為:jiē jìn...
膠接劑看去象是一種液態(tài)蛋白質(zhì).The cement appears to be a liquid protein....
而10年后, 孫正義將把接力棒交給下一代接班人.And 10, Son will relay baton to the next generation of successors.他們同時傳了接力棒.They passed on the sticks at the same time.抓過接力棒他奮力向終點跑去.Grabbing the relay baton , he darted off towards the finishing ...
“芽接”的拼音為:yá jiē...