這就是林業(yè)工人用以運送木材的空中索道.This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.值得在索道塔架設計中推廣.So FEM is deserve extending in designing the tower.纜車 、 索道牽引、斜井卷揚 、 船舶 、 監(jiān)井、張拉吊橋 、 各種起重提升、牽引.Liftin or towing for ca...
本文給出了微通道板(MCP)輸出電極的最佳深度表達式.The expression for the optimum output electrode depth of MCP is given.發(fā)現(xiàn)了微通道總線超時錯誤.MicroChannel bus timeout error detected.圖2. 微通道中水相(催化劑)與有機相形成的柱塞流.Fig . 2 CCD images of the dropping flow form...
“道路”的拼音為:dào lù...
“陰道口”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] orificium vaginae,ostium vaginae ...
“巷道”的拼音為:hàng dào...
“旁道”的拼音為:páng dào...
德拉蒙德正與“黃道神游”(本名馬克·曼寧)合作撰寫一本書。Drummond was working on a book in collaboration with Zodiac Mindwarp.黃道十二宮the signs of the zodiac古代天文學家把黃道帶分為12等分.The ancient astronomers divided zodiac into 12 equal segments....
馬的食道狹窄,常常引起食道阻塞。Horse 's narrow esophagus results in repeated choke.食道的后端是嗉囊.At the posterior end of the oesophagus is the crop.食道狹窄可由斑痕組織或壓迫所引起.Stenosis may be caused by cicatricial tissue or by compression....
河流轉向東流時河道大幅度變寬。The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east.洛特河的河道蜿蜒曲折。The Lot river follows a winding and tortuous course.富有浪漫氣息的莊園和城堡俯瞰著蜿蜒的河道。Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river's twisting ...
“軌道的”的英語可以翻譯為:orbital ...
“彎道”的英語可以翻譯為:[體] bend,curve ...
飯菜的安排至關重要。每一頓飯的每一道菜都應該有所不同。The menu is all-important. Every component of every meal should create contrasts.侍者端上了下一道菜.The waiter brought on the next dish.你為我做的每一道菜都像一桌宴席.Everything you cook for me is a banquet....
據(jù)報道,警察、車輛和商業(yè)經營場所均遭到襲擊。Attacks were reported on police, vehicles and commercial premises.據(jù)報道在今天最新發(fā)生的暴亂中有5人喪生。Five people were reported killed today in a fresh outburst of violence.據(jù)報道,該礦事故發(fā)生率是全國平均水平的3倍。The mine reportedly...
“筏道”的拼音為:fá dào...
“想知道”的拼音為:xiǎng zhī dào...
“滑道”的英語可以翻譯為:skidway,soot,slideway,race,slide ...
英吉利海峽隧道是歐洲最大的土木工程。The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.海峽隧道預計1993年年底前開通。The Channel tunnel was due to open towards the end of 1993.可能推遲英吉利海峽隧道開通的問題一大筐。A host of problems may delay...
其軌道速度一定是在每秒幾百米。Her orbital speed must be a few hundred meters per second.更為大型的衛(wèi)星將被送入軌道。Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit.這顆彗星的軌道與地球的軌道交叉。The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth....
這只受傷的狗要予以人道毀滅.The injured dog had to be destroyed.宰殺牲畜來吃合乎人道 嗎 ?Is it humane to kill animals for food?在19世紀中葉,多羅西婭·迪克斯開始發(fā)起為精神病患者爭取人道待遇的運動。In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment...
“渠道”的拼音為:qú dào...
“街道”的英語可以翻譯為:street,road,residential district,neighbourhood,row ...
“一道”的拼音為:yī dào...
“私道”的英語可以翻譯為:ypath,by-lane ...
“通道間”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] interchannel ...
“波道”的拼音為:bō dào...
兩邊栽有歐椴樹的林蔭道an avenue of limes兩邊有雄偉高大栗樹的林蔭道an avenue of stately chestnut trees寬闊的林蔭道上,汽車川流不息.Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard....
水文纜道安全運行是水文測報工作順利開展的根本保證.It is a basic guarantee of hydrological forecast to keep hydrology cableway safe....