concern的近義詞/同義詞有:company, enterprise, firm, business, interest, anxiety, worry, interest, trouble, affect, involve, bother, business, occupation, affair, suspense, doing, attention, interest, company, weight, care, curio...
lantern的近義詞/同義詞有:flashlight, lampion, torch, lamp, light。n.lantern的近義詞(燈籠,提燈,信號燈):flashlight, lampion, torch, lamp, light。...
He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition.他關心人類生存環(huán)境的改善。They were more concerned about the dogs' welfare than a clean getaway.他們更加關心那些狗的安危,而非自己如何干凈利落地脫身。As far as I'm concerned the officials i...
He writes short stories with a touch of the supernatural.他寫的短篇小說帶有靈異色彩。a belief in the supernatural對超自然力量的相信UFOs are often explained as supernatural.不明飛行物常常被解釋為超自然現象....
There is an ice lantern show in Harbin every year in winter.每年冬天,哈爾濱有一次冰燈展.A lantern depended from the ceiling.一盞燈懸掛在天花板上.A little lantern blinked in the darkness.一盞小燈籠在黑暗中微微閃光....
Carl pushed ahead in his eagerness to reach the wall.卡爾為了能夠到墻急切地往前擠。I shall await your answer to my letter with eagerness.急盼復信.His hands trembled with eagerness as he opened the letter.他拆信時因急切而雙手發(fā)抖....
The western-most part of north Wales is a stronghold of Welsh-speakers.北威爾士最西部是說威爾士語人的聚居區(qū)。He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia.他決定為在澳大利亞西部人為導致荒蕪的土地上重新造林做點事情。There was a slacke...
Vitamins can be applied externally to the skin.維生素可以外用于皮膚。The course is externally examined.這門課程受校外考核.This medicine is to be applied externally.這藥是用于外敷的....
The Chinese intend to accelerate modernization through technological leapfrogging.中國人通過技術上的跨越,旨在加速現代化進程.In the matter of modernization we have neither experience nor technical knowhow.搞現代化建設,我們既缺少經驗,又缺少知識.The modernizati...
Issues such as these were not really his concern.他其實并不關心諸如此類的問題。A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.一段美滿的戀情需要彼此關心并體恤對方的情感。The technical aspects were the concern of the Army...
These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.從撒克遜時代起就開始采伐塞文山谷的這些樹林獲取木料。The longest river in the United Kingdom is the River Severn.英國最長的河流是塞文河.They went up the Severn from Bristol to Glouces...
AN Easterner or city person who a rANch in the West.在西部牧場度假的東部人或城里人....
the promise of eternal life in heaven在天國永生的許諾the eternal verities of life生命永恒的真理The principles of the Paris Commune radiates with eternal light.巴黎公社的原則閃耀著不滅的光輝....
n.外在性, 外在化,講究外表, 拘泥形式...
A supernova sprays space with many different elements.超新星會向宇宙放射不同種類的元素。At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.在我們的星系中每 10 年至少有一顆超新星出現。The ejected mass then probably becomes the observed material of a supe...
She cast a sidelong glance at Fern.她瞟了一眼弗恩.There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.蕨類植物有許多不同的種類, 無論哪一種都不長花.Kennicott was cordial to Fern Mulins.肯尼科特對弗恩馬林斯小姐倒是很親熱....