學(xué)校不應(yīng)該體罰學(xué)生.Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children.現(xiàn)在許多學(xué)校禁止體罰.Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.當(dāng)然, 體罰和管束在施行的當(dāng)時還是有效的.Physical compulsion or restraint was effectual, of course, whi...
“懲罰”的近義詞/同義詞:懲辦, 懲處, 處罰, 處分, 處理, 責(zé)罰, 處治。...
“懲罰”的拼音為:chéng fá...
您可隨時減少保額或取消您的保單,不帶任何附加條件或罰款.You can cancel your cover time without penalty.駕駛者以往有否就任何車輛被判罰或刑罰或罰款?Has the Driver even been convicted of any offence or penalty or fine any motor vehicles?對 ( 某人或財產(chǎn) ) 征收特殊費用, 如稅或罰款.To charge...
“處罰”的拼音為:chǔ fá...
很多人認(rèn)為對魯莽駕駛的司機處罰過輕。Many people believe reckless drivers are treated too leniently.作為最高的處罰,他們可以出售他們的股份。As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.其他犯罪人員不予處罰。Others who were guilty were being allowed to get off sco...
確實, 一切遭天罰的大罪都以其奇特的方式損壞美.All the deadly sins, indeed, have their own peculiar negation of beauty.你會遭天罰的.You will be visited with punishment from heaven.此事千真萬確[要是有半點虛假,我會遭天罰]!Bless me if it isn't true!...
“受罰”的拼音為:shòu fá...
可以提出警告或罰黃牌.He or she may be warned or issued a yellow card.除名或罰時將由比賽志愿者作出判罰.Disqualification or time penalties will be performed at the sole discretion of the race volunteers....
這是他必須付的罰金。That is the forfeit he must pay.法官課他十英鎊罰金.The judge imposed a fine of ten pounds on him.他們判他10美元罰金.They fined him ten dollars....
“受罰”的反義詞:受獎, 授賞, 受賞。...
那些拒不悔改的人,他說,將會受到懲罰。Those who refuse to repent, he said, will be punished.他們呼吁當(dāng)局將蓄奴定為一種應(yīng)該受到懲罰的罪行。They called on the authorities to make slavery a punishable offence.他認(rèn)為艾滋病是對我們所有人的懲罰。He believes AIDS is our collective neme...
蘇格蘭法院裁定,將停在私人地界上的車輛上夾鉗并索要罰款的行為是違法的。Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.這是個應(yīng)罰款的過失。It is a finable offence.實施污染罰款的地方,都顯得很有成效.Pollution charges have bee...
“處罰”的英語可以翻譯為:punish,penalize,catch up with,come down upon,prog ...
“刑罰”的近義詞/同義詞:科罰, 懲罰, 處分, 責(zé)罰, 處罰。...
“罰”的英語可以翻譯為:[書] (處罰) punish,penalize,fine,forfeit(處罰) punishment,penalty ...
“刑罰”的英語可以翻譯為:[律] penalty,punishment,criminal penalty,crucifixion ...
盧頓未能在罰球區(qū)的邊緣截住對方的任意球。Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area.齊達(dá)內(nèi)在罰球區(qū)邊緣的一記低射將對手徹底擊敗。Zidane completed the rout with a low shot from the edge of the penalty area.籃球罰球區(qū). 可位于單獨的空地或車道上.Basketball key. Can be ...
“罰款”的英語可以翻譯為:impose a fine [forfeit],fine,forfeit,penalty,amerce ...
“受罰”的英語可以翻譯為:e punished,smart for ...
“處罰”的近義詞/同義詞:處分, 懲罰, 責(zé)罰, 科罰, 刑罰, 處理, 處置, 懲辦, 懲處。...
他說量刑時應(yīng)當(dāng)做到罰罪相當(dāng)。He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing.他在第32分鐘時因故意手球犯規(guī)被罰下場。He got sent off for deliberate handball in the 32nd minute.他可能會逃脫嚴(yán)懲,僅僅罰一點錢了事。He is likely to get off with a small fine....
我想知道我是在什么地方超速而受到處罰的。I want to know at what point I break the speed limit and get a ticket.闡述了強制措施與行政處罰的關(guān)系.The difference between compelling measure and administrative penalty was discussed.謀殺是一種嚴(yán)重的罪行,犯了謀殺罪很少有不受處罰的.Murder...
“賞罰”的英語可以翻譯為:ewards and punishments,deserving award and punishment ...
“刑罰”的拼音為:xíng fá...
英國會對運載證件不齊全的乘客進(jìn)入國內(nèi)的航空公司課以罰款。Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.違反規(guī)則應(yīng)處以罰款。Infringement of the regulation is punishable by a fine.他被罰款5,000英鎊,并受到了嚴(yán)厲斥責(zé)。He has been fined five t...
“罰球區(qū)”的英語可以翻譯為:penalty area ...