“給與”的英語可以翻譯為:accord,bestowal,conferment ...
內(nèi)戰(zhàn)阻礙著救援機(jī)構(gòu)對饑荒賑濟(jì)物資的配給。The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies.作為食品配給制的一種遺留影響,他們總把黃油和人造黃油混在一起吃。As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.面包、大米和茶葉等日常必需品已實(shí)行配給。Staples suc...
那兩個電子既不算作給予體的,也不是接受體的.Both electrons don't count for the donor and neither for the recipient.我們通常把電子給予體看作生物體的 “ 食物 ”.Generally we think of the electron donor as being the " food " for the organism....
他把王位讓給了兒子。He abdicated in favour of his son.行政官員不能將我們領(lǐng)土的任何部分讓給他人.The executive could not alienate any part of our territory.我們只得把城堡拱手讓給了敵人.We had to give up the castle to the enemy....
“給予”的反義詞:索取, 接受, 取得。...
他的研究揭示了 “ 給予者的快樂 ” 這種說法.His research reveals a " helper's high. "我已經(jīng)認(rèn)識到最終, “ 接受者”失敗而 “ 給予者”成功.I've learned that ultimately,'takers'lose and'givers'win.您是否此帳戶唯一交易指令給予者?Are you only for giving...
用所給詞的正確形式填空.Fill in the blanks with right form of the words....
給某人打針to give sb an injection給某人舉行臨終圣事to administer the last rites to sb每周拿那么多錢給某人來殺死你們 嗎 ?Would you give somebody that much money each week to kill you?...
你能把上衣借給我穿一會兒嗎?Will you lend me your jacket for a little while?我把車借給一位朋友了。I've lent the car to a friend.我們正指望他們借給我們錢呢—bank絕無雙關(guān)之意!We're banking on them lending us the money—no pun intended!...
“給養(yǎng)”的英語可以翻譯為:provisions,victuals,rations ...
“給予”的近義詞/同義詞:賜與, 予以。...
獎品獎給了那個獲得中獎號碼的人.A prize was given to the person who had the winning number.假如他把答案給我, 我會獎給他15美元.If he gives me the answer, meeting award gives him 15 dollars.他們獎給優(yōu)勝者一些水果和鮮花.They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits a...
“補(bǔ)給”的英語可以翻譯為:supply,provision,fitting out,replenishment ...
對稱機(jī)制無法解釋這個結(jié)果, 因為我們給食的對象每次都不一樣.Symmetrical connections could not explain this outcome, as the pattern varied from day to day....
“給與”的近義詞/同義詞:接納, 接收, 授與, 接受, 付與, 賦予, 授予, 賞賜, 贈給。...
“給予”的拼音為:jǐ yǔ...
他總是想給人看他的剪貼簿.He was always wanting to show people his scrapbooks.菲伯爾為了做給人看,在價錢上爭論了半天.Faber had haggled over the price, just for the sake of form.他的祖父靠給人看風(fēng)水勉強(qiáng)維持生計.His grandfather made a scanty living by practising feng sh...
“補(bǔ)給”的拼音為:bǔ jǐ...
“供給”的拼音為:gōng jǐ...
控制系統(tǒng)利用微機(jī)對縱、橫進(jìn)給系統(tǒng)開環(huán)控制,驅(qū)動元件采用直流步進(jìn)電機(jī),傳動系統(tǒng)采用滾珠絲杠.The step _ motor drives the ball guide screw to afterthe instruction issued the computer....
“判給”的拼音為:pàn gěi...
“給水”的拼音為:jǐ shuǐ...
愛情的需要包括給與愛和接受愛兩個方面.The love needs involve both giving and receiving love.在裝配時預(yù)先給與彈簧初始拉長.Upon assembly, the spring is given an initial stretch.及時給與賣方必要的發(fā)貨指示.Give the seller in time the necessary instructions for dispatch....
“交給”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)] abandon,hand ...
“傳給”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] hand down ...
“橫進(jìn)給”的英語可以翻譯為:infeed,cross feed,transverse feed ...
氯用來給水消毒。Chlorine is used to disinfect water.給水加熱時, 它會變成蒸氣.When heated, water changes into vapour.可以毫不夸張地說,有成千上萬座混凝土水壩正在供灌溉,給水 、 防洪 、 發(fā)電之用.Literally thousands of concrete dams are providing water supply shortage, irrigati...
他們把土地分給了家中各人。They apportioned the land among members of the family.需要將財富從富人那里重新分給窮人。Wealth needs to be redistributed from the rich to the poor.他將他的其余財產(chǎn)分給了兄弟姐妹.He divided the rest of his property among his brothers and si...
“給水栓”的英語可以翻譯為:hydrant ...