“密碼術”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] cryptology,crytography,Encryption ...
“取碼”的英語可以翻譯為:code fetch ...
“解碼”的英語可以翻譯為:decoding,decipher,decode ...
“號碼”的拼音為:hào mǎ...
“編碼”的英語可以翻譯為:encoded,code,coded,encrypt,coding ...
“密碼”的拼音為:mì mǎ...
“砝碼”的拼音為:fǎ mǎ...
“尺碼”的英語可以翻譯為:size,footage,measures,yardage ...
“號碼”的英語可以翻譯為:number,no. ...
他們忘了編頁碼.They forgot to number the pages.內(nèi)存不足,無法重編頁碼或打印文檔.There is not enough memory to repaginate or print this document.編頁碼: 在拼版后的書頁加上順序頁碼的情況.Pagination : The numbering of the make - up pages in consecutive order of a b...
“編碼的”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] coded ...
數(shù)字剪輯、數(shù)碼特效以及數(shù)碼攝像機改變了電影攝制方式。Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.這個設備具有諸如混響之類的內(nèi)置數(shù)碼音效。The unit includes built-in digital effects like reverb.所有的曲子都已經(jīng)從原始錄音帶轉錄到了數(shù)碼母帶上。All the tracks have be...
“碼頭”的拼音為:mǎ tou...
一大群人聚集在碼頭上,為他們送別。A large group had gathered on the quayside to see them off.女王道碼頭將會融商店、餐館以及其他生活便利設施為一體。Queensway Quay will incorporate shops, restaurants and other amenities.香蕉在運到碼頭發(fā)往海外之前已經(jīng)裝箱。Bananas are packed before be...
“密碼”的英語可以翻譯為:password,cipher code,cryptogram,steganogram,[電影]Secretul cifrului...
“譯碼”的拼音為:yì mǎ...
它被用作無解碼輸出的分頻器.It was used as a frequency divider and no numbers are decoded from it.此并行形式序列通過邏輯解碼電路輸入.The parallel form of the input sequence is decoded by means of a logical decoding circuit.本代碼是MPEG2的編碼的加密和解碼的C源程序!MPEG...
組塊的策略有簡化策略 、 雙碼策略、外存策略.The chunking strategy has simplification, dual coding and outside memory.本文還介紹了卡諾圖 高維 塊的雙碼表示的新方法.A new method for expressing the high - degree block of Karnaugh map with two - codes is presented....
在特定的網(wǎng)絡應用中,面向具體的NP硬件 結構, 實現(xiàn)高級語言到NP微代碼的自動轉換.For special application and architecture, it realizes automatic conversion from high language to Microcode....
“數(shù)碼”的拼音為:shù mǎ...
“基碼”的拼音為:jī mǎ...
“籌碼”的拼音為:chóu mǎ...
盧佩斯庫在20碼處射門得分,接著巴林特將比分擴大為4比0。Lupescu scored from 20 yards and then Balint made it 4-0.他們觸礁時離海岸僅有500碼。When they hit the rocks, they were just 500 yards offshore.他在往前50碼遠的十字路口停了下來。He came to a halt at a crossroads fifty ya...
注意,開發(fā)或編碼階段只是單獨的塊.Note that the development or coding phase is only a single block!用于修飾或說明安全工作方式或編碼工作方式.To vary from or oscillate setting , position , or mode of operation....
“代碼管”的英語可以翻譯為:dematron,distributed emission magnetron amplifier ...
“印碼器”的拼音為:yìn mǎ qì...
編碼信號由碟形衛(wèi)星天線接收。The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.把表格上的編碼記下來。Make a note of the reference number shown on the form.編碼顯示的點數(shù)據(jù),可以歸納如下.Point data appearing on the coding forms can be categorized as follows...
有些應用試圖把明鑰和秘鑰密碼術結合起來,以獲得安全性和高性能.Some applications try to combine public - and secret - key cryptography to achieve security and performance....