“指點(diǎn)”的近義詞/同義詞:輔導(dǎo), 領(lǐng)導(dǎo), 教導(dǎo), 指揮, 指示, 指引, 引導(dǎo), 指導(dǎo), 提醒, 批示, 指使。...
“指引”的英語可以翻譯為:point (the way),guide,show,direct ...
“指定人”的英語可以翻譯為:assigner,[經(jīng)] nominator ...
他現(xiàn)在正扮演著慷慨的主人和伯父似的指導(dǎo)人的角色.He was now playing the role of disinterested host and avuncular mentor.他是坦普頓科學(xué)與宗教在校園項(xiàng)目的共同指導(dǎo)人.He is co - director of the Templeton Science and Religion in Schools project.教育價值取向指導(dǎo)人的教育行為,決定著教育價值取向.E...
“戒指”的英語可以翻譯為:(finger) ring,finger ring ...
所有的指示標(biāo)志和公告都被譯成了英語和西班牙語。All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.他指示馬蒂爾達(dá)的遺體必須葬在家族墓穴里。He ordered that Matilda's body should be buried in the family vault.他用一截粉筆將她的指示寫在黑板上。With a stick of ch...
當(dāng)我們用 he 時, 我們泛指男女.When we use " he " , we generalize for both sex.“ 江湖 ” 過去泛指四方各地.The term " rivers and lakes " in old days meant in general all corners of the country.現(xiàn)時則泛指任何滑面, 優(yōu)質(zhì)的紙板.Now, generally refer to good qualit...
“指示”的拼音為:zhǐ shì...
債項(xiàng)指銀行貸款及透支減現(xiàn)金及銀行存款.Debt represents bank loans and overdrafts less cash and deposits with banks.這個利率(聯(lián)邦基金利率)是指銀行之間相互借貸的日息.This rate is what banks pay other banks to moneyovernight.本法所稱本票,是指銀行本票.A promissory note as used i...
將(球)高擊:將某物, 尤指球, 推入高弧線.To propel something, especially a ball, in a high arc.投球入籃,擊球入穴:指球落入或滾入籃內(nèi)或洞內(nèi).Sports To fall or roll into a basket or hole.投球入籃,擊球入穴指球落入或滾入籃內(nèi)或洞內(nèi).To fall or roll into a basket or hole Used of a ball....
梅拉妮咬著涂過指甲油的長指甲。Melanie gnawed a long, painted fingernail.有些女子在腳趾甲上涂指甲油.Some women varnish their toe - nails.請用淺色指甲油.Use a light nail varnish, please....
她小心地把油漆上的指印擦掉.She carefully rubbed off the finger mark from the paint.記著, 邁克, 別擔(dān)心指印問題, 槍托和扳機(jī)都是用特制帶纏好的.Remember, Mike, don't worry about prints. The butt and trigger are fixed with special tape.腳印和指印給警察提供了線索.Footprin...
“指導(dǎo)”的英語可以翻譯為:guide,direct,guidance,conduct,coach ...
一直朝著這個方向走就看見指示牌了.Continue in this direction until you see a sign.刃口間隙調(diào)整有指示牌指示, 調(diào)整輕便迅速.Blade gap adjustment has signs instructions, adjusting the light rapidly.我不確定. 我要查一查指示牌.I'm not sure. I'll have to check the...
船只必須在指定的港口把捕到的魚卸下。The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports.露營被限制在指定的5個野營地。Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds.大家都按指定的位置坐了下來.Everybody took their places....
(指眼睛)有某種眼瞼的.Ng lids of a particular type.這個游戲的名字叫做指鼻子, 指眼睛.The name of the game is called to point the nose, the eyes....
我討厭別人就那件事指責(zé)我們。I hate it when people accuse us of that.戰(zhàn)爭讓大家充滿仇恨并相互指責(zé)。The war sweeps up everyone in hatred and recrimination.她不再不停地指責(zé)他總不在家了。She had stopped nagging him about never being home....
不容置疑的事實(shí)是,電腦執(zhí)行邏輯操作指令。The indisputable fact is that computers carry out logical operations.有些海灘未能遵守歐洲有關(guān)浴場的指令。Some beaches had failed to comply with European directives on bathing water.根據(jù)歐盟的一項(xiàng)新指令,殺蟲劑的標(biāo)簽標(biāo)注將更加明確。Thanks to a ...
真的還是假理解是指聲音的聽覺生理過程.True or False Comprehending is defined as the physiological process of hearing sounds....
“指示”的英語可以翻譯為:indicate,point out,instruct,directive,denote ...
“指揮”的拼音為:zhǐ huī...
“杵狀指”的拼音為:chǔ zhuàng zhǐ...
她在懸崖上,甚至彎著身子,看他手指的方向.She even leaned out over the cliff face to see where he was pointing.誰會把切掉手指的方法貼在網(wǎng)上?Who puts up web pages on how to cut off your own finger?手指中間的那個關(guān)節(jié)是手指的運(yùn)動源泉.The middle joint is the main source of fi...
他經(jīng)營自己公司的方式無可指摘。It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.拋開她的納稅義務(wù)不談,女王一直無可指摘。The Queen remains above criticism, apart from the issue of her tax liability.我的上司指摘我上班遲到.My boss rebuked me for coming to work late...
“采指紋”的英語可以翻譯為:fingerprint ...
他是一些歌曲的作者和一位出色的指揮者, 也是一位能即興作詩的人.He was a composer of songs and a wonderful conductor, a man who could improvise lines on the moment.樂團(tuán)由一位指揮者指揮.The orchestra is led by a conductor.他們賦與將軍指揮者的權(quán)力.They set the general up as a...
彈指之間, 戰(zhàn)爭的風(fēng)云又重新布滿了天空.In a remarkably short space of time, the clouds of war returned.彈指一揮間, 三十年過去了.In an instant, thirty years has passed.財富 、 快樂 、 美德, 盡在彈指之間.Wealth, pleasure, virtue , are of little moment....
“指的是”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]refer to,ref→ ...
他屢遭指責(zé)他告密的其他囚犯的毆打。He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.傳播媒介常遭指責(zé),認(rèn)為有偏見 ( 英文句中不可用is ).The media are ( NOT is ) often accused of being biased.為了避免因一次輕微的過失遭指責(zé),我們便編出謊言來掩蓋.To avoid blame on a...