“徑”的英語可以翻譯為:footpath,path,way,means(徑直) directly,straightway ...
這條海濱小路是散步者很喜歡走的路徑。The coastal path is a popular route for walkers.結(jié)果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)它們又找到一條新的路徑.Instead, I saw that they had discovered a new route.水獺熟悉路徑, 擔任了向?qū)?The otter , as knowing all the paths, took charge of the party....
我們正在測量圓的半徑.We are measuring the radius of the circle.渾圓度取決于邊角的銳度或曲率半徑.Roundness depends on the sharpness or radius of curvature of the edges.火星的直徑比地球的半徑稍大些.The diameter of Mars is slightly over half that of the earth....
“路徑”的拼音為:lù jìng...
這些會議是一種相互結(jié)交的途徑。The meetings were a way to get acquainted with each other.我們不管怎樣都必須找到擺脫傳統(tǒng)束縛的途徑。We must, somehow, find a way to loosen the bonds of tradition.他們找到了規(guī)避法律的途徑。They found a way of circumventing the law....
大小 ( 直徑 ) 的變化包括圖象的擴大.The variations of size ( diameter ) consist of a blowing - up of the images.一般來說, 最小器件圖形大約是電子束直徑的4倍.As a rule of thumb , the minimum device feature is about 4 times the beam diameter.更小直徑的光纖能在探測器中使用 ...
一把測徑規(guī)a pair of callipers因此,線偏振光徑全反射后將變成橢圓偏振光.Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection.沖刷是指流動中的水將任何粒徑的土壤沖走的現(xiàn)象.Scour is the removal of material of any size by flowing w...
“半徑”的英語可以翻譯為:[數(shù)] radius,[天] semidiameter,radii ...
“孔徑”的英語可以翻譯為:aperture,bore diameter ...
“半徑”的拼音為:bàn jìng...
“行徑”的英語可以翻譯為:act,action,move,conduct ...
她選了低速擋小心翼翼地沿小徑下行。She selected a low gear and started down the track carefully.眼前有一條清晰可辨的小徑通向山谷。A clearly defined track now leads down to the valley.從克拉斯特到牛頓有一條兩英里的海濱小徑。There is a 2 mile coastal walk from Craster to Newto...
求知門徑很多, 或閱讀,或回憶,或觀察,或?qū)嵺`.We can gain knowledge, by reading by reflection by observation or by practice....
“行徑”的拼音為:xíng jìng...
“矢徑”的英語可以翻譯為:adius vector ...
這位心地單純的傻姑娘在林間曲徑中艱難地走了兩個來小時.For two hours did this singlehearted and simpleminded girl toil through the mazes of the forest.廟宇旁有巨石覆疊成洞,曲徑盤繞.There are huge stone temple beside the follow - hole Die Cheng, twined Labyrinth....
“曲徑”的英語可以翻譯為:meandering,[化] labyrinth,maze ...
球體表面點的總位移是純徑向的.The resulting displacements of points on the surface of the sphere are purely radial.本文首次采用Bridgman法生長 了Mn_ xCd_(1-x) In_ 2Te_4晶體,并研究了晶體中相的形貌、結(jié)構(gòu)、成分和晶體中各組元沿軸向和徑向的成分分布.MnxCd 1 - xIn 2 Te 4 ingots were grown ...
“等徑的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] isodiametric ...
“小徑”的英語可以翻譯為:pathway,pathlet,alley,trail ...
“直徑的”的英語可以翻譯為:diametral,diametical,diametric ...
不要岔離大路, 要徑直地穿過森林.Don't diverge from the main path, but go straight through the forest.我徑直地向他沖去.I went right at him.她徑直地向我走了過來,面帶著迷人的微笑.She walked straight toward me and smiled charmingly....
“路徑”的近義詞/同義詞:途徑, 路途, 旅途。...
每個立體的矢徑總是正值長度.The radius vector of each solid is always a positive length....
“門徑”的拼音為:mén jìng...
這個洞眼的直徑只有0.23英寸。This hole was a scant .23 inches in diameter.這個手繪盤子直徑為30厘米。This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across.樹干的直徑the diameter of a tree trunk...
用閃光照相,要把光圈孔徑定為5.6。For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6.他把鏡頭光圈孔徑縮小.He stopped down the lens to a small aperture.逆合成孔徑雷達 ( ISAR ) 是指固定雷達對運動目標成像.Inverse synthetic aperture radar ( ISAR ) imaging involves station...
“小徑”的反義詞:大道, 大路。...