
阿卡英語 / 查找:overriding” [共找到4條結果]
  • overriding造句

    My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education.我最關心的是提高國民教育水平。Development is of overriding importance.發(fā)展是硬道理The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for ne...
  • overriding例句

    Development is of overriding importance.發(fā)展是硬道理Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only $15 million this summer.考慮到當務之急是削減預算赤字,今年夏天政府只計劃向國會申請1,500萬美元的預算。My overrid...
  • overriding什么意思解釋?

  • overriding怎么讀
