
阿卡英語 / 查找:notation” [共找到27條結果]
  • connotation造句

    'Urchin', with its connotation of mischievousness, may not be a particularly apt word. urchin有淘氣的含義,可能不是一個特別恰當的詞。The concept and the connotation of spacesuit ergonomics are spicified.闡明了工效學概念,將其運用于航天服設計.Convers...
  • connotation的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    connotation的近義詞/同義詞有:insinuation, reference, connotation, signification, implication, suggestion, allusion, inference, touch, sense, undertone, hint, meaning, intimation, undercurrent, inference, subsense, coloration, nu...
  • connotations造句

    It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.這只是那種有太多負面含義的詞之一。The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.armchair這個詞隱含著舒適悠然的意思.It's just one of those words th...
  • annotations什么意思

    n.注釋( annotation的名詞復數 ),附注...
  • connotation的意思

  • connotation的音標

  • annotations的音標?

  • annotation的復數形式怎么拼寫

  • notation的復數形式怎么寫

  • connotations怎么讀?

  • annotations造句

    I wrote annotations in the margin of the book.我在書的邊緣作注.The essay makes some categorization and analysis educe new and comprehensive annotations of executive ability.本文對關于執(zhí)行力的研究做出分類與分析,使執(zhí)行力一詞能被較全面地認識與理解.An expository trea...
  • denotation怎么讀

  • notation什么意思解釋

  • connotations例句

    It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations.這只是那種有太多負面含義的詞之一。The word " armchair " has connotations of comfort and relaxation.armchair這個詞隱含著舒適悠然的意思.The concept of celibacy carries conn...
  • connotations是什么意思?

    n.含義( connotation的名詞復數 ),隱含意義,言外之意,內含...
  • connotation造句

    The term " reliability " has many popular connotation.“ 可靠性 ” 一詞有許多通俗的涵義.In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation.摘要在民族旅游語境中, 商品化經常帶有貶義色彩.Therefore, it is necessary to reexam...
  • connotation的復數形式怎么拼寫

  • denotation例句

    Its denotation is a truth - value.它的外延是一項真理標準.Conversely, the broader image ? ? s denotation is, the narrower image ? ? s connotation will be.而形象的外延越大其內涵也越大.Hyponymy in semantics is related to denotation and connotation ...
  • notation例句

    Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts.使用二進制標號法實際上只運用1和0兩個數.Music has a special system of notation.音樂有一套特殊的標記法.He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.他認得足夠多的樂符,看懂樂譜不成問題。...
  • annotation怎么讀?

  • annotation造句

    She retained a number of copies for further annotation.她保留了許多副本以便作進一步的注解。This type of annotation may be extremely useful for bibliographies and booklists.這種形式的“注釋”對書目和目錄極為有用.Annotations: Select and order the annotation f...
  • denotation什么意思解釋?

  • notation造句

    Music has a special system of notation.音樂有一套特殊的標記法.The following is a notation for relating plaintext, ciphertext, and keys.下面是有關明文 、 密文和密鑰關系的表示法.Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and spa...
  • notation怎么讀

  • annotation造句

    Annotations: Select and order the annotation fields to display in the prototype.標注: 選擇顯示在原型中的標注字段,并設定順序.Reviewing philology phonology dialectology and lexis studying history, which aiming at the annotation of Lushi - chu...
  • annotations造句

    He supplied annotations to nearly 15,000 musical works.他給近1.5萬部音樂作品作過注解。I wrote annotations in the margin of the book.我在書的邊緣作注.My annotations appear in square brackets.在方括號里有我給的注解。...
  • annotation的意思?
