
阿卡英語 / 查找:mournful” [共找到5條結(jié)果]
  • mournful造句

    The stranger, after listening for a moment, joined in the mournful dirge.聽了一會兒后這個陌生人也跟著唱起了悲哀的挽歌.Mournful fancies came flocking on her mind , in crowds.悲傷的幻想便紛紛涌上她的心頭.He looked mournful, even near to tears...他看起來很悲傷,幾乎要流淚...
  • mournful什么意思解釋?

  • mournful怎么讀?

  • mournful造句

    Miss Dickerman was tall and somewhat mournful-looking.迪克曼小姐個子高高的,看上去有些苦相。I couldn't bear the mournful look on her face.我受不了她臉上那憂傷的神情。She sighed and looked mournful.她嘆了口氣,顯得很傷心....
  • mournfully造句

    " Ao -- " The old wolf wails mournfully toward the wilderness time and again.嗷 —— 它向曠野發(fā)出絕望而又凄涼的長嚎,一聲又一聲.The hatter shook his head mournfully.帽匠悲哀地?fù)u搖頭.Finally he started slowly, the wagon creaking and the cow lowing mourn...