Her poems are modishly experi-mental in style and recondite in subject-matter.她的詩在風格上是時髦的實驗派,主題艱深難懂。Her poems are modishly experimental in style and recondite in subject-matter.她的詩在風格上是時髦的實驗派,主題艱深難懂。...
modish的反義詞有:antiquated, antiquated。adj.modish的反義詞(流行的;時髦的):antiquated。modish的反義詞(其他釋義):antiquated。...
Rhoda's willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised Janice.羅達的苗條身材, 時髦的草帽, 紫紅色的手套和鞋使杰妮絲有些驚訝....modish young women from London society.來自倫敦上流社會的時髦女郎She is always crazy at modish things.她瘋...
She is always crazy at modish things.她瘋狂熱愛流行物品。She is always crazy at modish things .她瘋狂熱愛流行物品。Rhoda's willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised Janice.羅達的苗條身材, 時髦的草帽, 紫紅色的手套和鞋使杰妮絲有些驚訝...