This system is being tried out experimentally at many universities.該系統(tǒng)正在很多大學試用。In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.依我看, 這種曲度是根據(jù)實驗確定的.This machine was introduced experimentally in 1960.這臺機器是在1960年被試...
I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.”我心里直叫, “ 只為你這樣無禮待客,就該一輩子跟人群隔離.Many mentally ill people are themselves unhappy about the idea of community care....
He veered away from the most environmentally sound option.他放棄了對環(huán)境保護最有利的選擇方案。Environmentally-conscious Germans are worried about the pollution the car produces.關(guān)注環(huán)境的德國人對汽車造成的污染十分擔心。The project is environmentally unsound.這...
Environmentally-conscious Germans are worried about the pollution the car produces.關(guān)注環(huán)境的德國人對汽車造成的污染十分擔心。Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper.我們的小冊子是用環(huán)保紙張印刷的。He veered away from the most environmental...
Boyle's Law: When things are going well, someone will inevitably experiment detrimentally.波義耳定律: 如果事情進展不錯, 那么必有人把實驗做壞....
environmentally friendly的音標:environmentally friendly的英式發(fā)音音標為:[en?va?r?n'mentl? 'frendli]environmentally friendly的美式發(fā)音音標為:[?n?va?r?'m?ntl? 'fr?ndli]...
Language is something which fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals.語言是將人類與動物區(qū)分開來的基本特征。His opponents still say he's a fundamentally untrustworthy figure.他的對手依然說他根本不可信。The thinking is good-hearted, but muddle...
Wood flooring not only cleans easily, but it's environmentally friendly into the bargain.木地板不光容易打掃,而且還環(huán)保。More and more companies have gone "green" and started producing so-called environmentally-friendly products.越來...
Childhood had less freedom and joy than we sentimentally attribute to it.童年并非像我們現(xiàn)在一廂情愿所認為的那樣自在快樂。I miss the good old days,'she added sentimentally.‘我懷念過去那些美好的日子, ’ 她動情地補充道.I have an emotional heart, it is sentimenta...
In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.依我看, 這種曲度是根據(jù)實驗確定的.This relation between the frequency and the field spectra was noted experimentally.實驗上已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)頻率和場頻譜之間的這種關(guān)系.Especially, the number of Bohr magneton...
Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated.熊非常好奇,必須不斷地給予其智力上的刺激。You may be physically and mentally exhausted after a long flight.長途飛行后,你可能會感到身心疲憊。Mentally, he can still run rings round men half his a...
The thinking is good-hearted, but muddled and fundamentally unsound...這個想法的出發(fā)點是好的,但是條理混亂,而且本質(zhì)上是錯誤的。Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.環(huán)保主義者稱這個條約存在根本性的缺陷。Their approach to the problem is fundamentall...