Add mailboxes from other mailbox stores to the current list.將其他郵箱存儲中的郵箱添加到當前列表中.I'II bet this guy steals checjs out of mailboxes.我敢打賭這小子是從郵箱里偷出的支票.Imports mailboxes and address books from Eudora version ZZ. x and la...
He stopped at the mailbox and dropped the letter in.他在郵筒前停了下來,把信投了進去.He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.他把信封粘好后便投進郵筒.He then dropped both the fire and the ice into the mailbox.他把冰和火一起投進了郵筒....
He stuck down the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.他把信封粘好后便投進郵筒.Meanwhile yellow ribbon adorns her mailbox.另外,她還用黃絲帶裝飾起了郵箱.Add mailboxes from other mailbox stores to the current list.將其他郵箱存儲中的郵箱添加到當前列表中.He then d...
They knocked together two rough mailboxes with wooden boards.他們用木板草草地做成了兩個粗糙的信箱.I'II bet this guy steals checjs out of mailboxes.我敢打賭這小子是從郵箱里偷出的支票.Add mailboxes from other mailbox stores to the current list.將其他郵箱存儲中...