They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree.他們接受了伐大樹的艱苦工作.Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.一年到頭把花園拾掇得干凈整潔也不是件輕松活兒。The distance seemed interminable, and the walk was most labori...
laborious的音標(biāo):laborious的英式發(fā)音音標(biāo)為:[l?'b?:ri?s]laborious的美式發(fā)音音標(biāo)為:[l?'b?ri?s, -'bor-]...
Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.一年到頭把花園拾掇得干凈整潔也不是件輕松活兒。Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric.她的母親辛辛苦苦的縫制棉織品.They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree.他們接受了伐大樹的艱苦工作.The...
He sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an Army issue pen.他坐在書桌后吃力地寫著,用的是一支部隊發(fā)的鋼筆。She is tracing laboriously now.她正在費力地寫.She is laboriously copying out an old manuscript.她正在費勁地抄出一份舊的手稿。...
She is laboriously copying out an old manuscript.她正在費勁地抄出一份舊的手稿。laboriously copying out an old manuscript費勁地抄出一份舊的手稿Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides.石磨被琢好,然后費力用雪橇運下那崎嶇不平的山坡.He ...