It will be fun with jugglers and - and - and music and dancing.到時候一定會很有趣,有馬戲團,還有音樂和舞蹈!This includes fire - breathers, jugglers, storytellers, mime artists and dancers.這就涵蓋了玩噴火把戲者 、 戲法者 、 書人 、 劇藝術(shù)者和舞者的各類人群.The skill of th...
The skill of these jugglers has to be seen to be believed.這些表演雜耍的演員的技巧要看了才會相信.It will be fun with jugglers and - and - and music and dancing.到時候一定會很有趣,有馬戲團,還有音樂和舞蹈!He played keyboards in a Celtic band and founded the Fre...