
阿卡英語 / 查找:indomitable” [共找到5條結(jié)果]
  • indomitable的意思

  • indomitable的音標

  • indomitable造句

    ...a woman of indomitable will...有著不屈意志的女人A selfless man has an indomitable spirit.人不為己,頂天立地。...the indomitable spirit of the Polish people.波蘭人民不屈不撓的精神They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spi...
  • indomitable例句

    Above all Susie is a great survivor, with a bright, indomitable spirit.總之,蘇茜不畏艱難,開朗樂觀、不屈不撓。He was utterly indomitable.他毫不氣餒。They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit.他們憑仗著頑強不屈的精神克服了重重困難....
  • indomitable的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    indomitable的近義詞/同義詞有:unmanageable, uncontrollable, unyielding, unbeatable, impregnable, unruly, unconquerable, invincible, unbeatable, constant, unruly, invincible, unconquerable, courageous, unmanageable, uncontrollable...