Quite coincidentally, metamorphic viruses apply transformations that go the other way around.十分巧合, 變形病毒使用的變換有異曲同工之妙.They immediately got in touch with Dr Ting who was, purely coincidentally, also in California.他們立即與丁博士聯(lián)系...
Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.有人指出這合乎的是公司富豪和政治官員的利益。Their aims are coincident with ours.他們的目標與我們的一致。Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New...
incident的近義詞/同義詞有:event, occurrence, happening, adventure, happening, occurrence, thing, episode, experience, occasion, event, adventure, phenomenon。n.incident的近義詞(事件):event, occurrence, happening, adventure。incident的近義詞...
Any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is purely coincidental.如與真人、真實地點或真實事件有雷同之處,純屬巧合。The concurrence of their disappearances had to be more than coincidental.他們同時失蹤肯定不僅僅是巧合。I suppose your presence here tod...
incident的近義詞有:accident, incident, event, occurrence, happening。下面這些名詞均有"事故,事件"的含義:accident :強調(diào)偶然或意外發(fā)生的不幸事情。incident :既可指小事件或附帶事件,又可指政治上具有影響的事件或事變。event :可指任何大小事件,但尤指歷史上的重大事件。occurrence和happening這兩個詞多指日常生活中發(fā)生的一般事件,有時也指偶然發(fā)...
These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle.這些事件表明北愛爾蘭的和平仍然很脆弱。Word has been spreading fast of the incidents on the streets.有關(guān)街頭騷亂的消息迅速傳播開來。Incidents of this type cause irreparable damage to re...
The incidents are regrettably true.很可惜這些事件都是真實的。Airlines took the view that stowaway incidents should not happen.航空公司認為偷乘飛機這樣的事是不應(yīng)該發(fā)生的....a level four alert, a designation reserved for very serious incidents.用于標示非常嚴重事件的第...
The discovery was incidental to their main research.這一發(fā)現(xiàn)是他們主要研究中的附帶收獲。At the bottom of the bill, you will notice various incidental expenses such as faxes.在賬單底部,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)有傳真等各項雜費。Any resemblance of a character in this book to...
His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.對種族主義的憎恨促使他寫了《阿爾及爾汽車旅館事件》一書。The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.雖然她目睹了這可恥的一幕,但是這對他來說無關(guān)緊要。It's not clear whethe...
Incidentally, have you heard the news about Sue?順便問一句,你聽說過休的事了嗎?Incidentally, I think you still owe me some money.順便說一句, 我想你還欠我一些錢.The tower, incidentally, dates from the twelfth century.那座塔,順便提一下,可以追溯到12世紀。...
When you get to see Stu Wolff , you don't need incidentals.能看到斯圖·沃爾夫就行了剩下來做什么?The basic educational expenditure such as tuition and incidentals in higher education increases quickly.高等教育中的學雜費等基本教育支出增長很快....
The time he promised with God expired. Coincidently, the girl married at the last day.上帝約定的三年期限很快就要到了.就在最后一天,蜻蜓昔日的戀人跟那個男醫(yī)生舉行了婚禮.The landslide and debris flow based on plagioclase coincidently locate in ringed mountains.以...
incident的音標:incident的英式發(fā)音音標為:['?ns?d?nt]incident的美式發(fā)音音標為:[ '?ns?d?nt]...
...coincident birth times...出生時間相同Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New York branch.會談的同時,該銀行已獲準在紐約開設(shè)分行。Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.有人指...
n.發(fā)生的事( incident的名詞復數(shù) ),小插曲,敵對行動,騷亂...
The discovery was incidental to their main research.這一發(fā)現(xiàn)是他們主要研究中的附帶收獲。Yeobright was too deeply absorbed in the ramblings incidental to his remorseful state to notice her.姚伯由于一意痛悔,只顧胡說亂道,所以就不顧得留神她的情形了.Specify EXW and whet...