inferior的反義詞有:superior, superior, great。adj.inferior的反義詞(下級的;較差的):superior。inferior的反義詞(其他釋義):superior, great。...
certain的反義詞有:uncertain, doubtful, doubtful, uncertain。adj.certain的反義詞(無疑的;可靠的):uncertain, doubtful。certain的反義詞(其他釋義):doubtful, uncertain。...
incredible的近義詞/同義詞有:ridiculous, absurd, unconvincing, questionable, unbelievable, preposterous, doubtful, staggering, amazing, unthinkable, questionable, unconvincing, miraculous, absurd, grotesque, fantastic, doubtful, ...
kind的反義詞有:cold, unsympathetic, unpleasant, grim, cruel, unkind, unkind, harsh。adj.kind的反義詞(親切的;寬容的;有同情心的):cold, unsympathetic, unpleasant, grim, cruel, unkind。kind的反義詞(其他釋義):unkind, harsh。...
introduce的近義詞/同義詞有:present, with, acquaint, innovate, institute, inaugurate, launch, bring, in, antecede, present, in, induct, prelude, bring, start, innovate, institute, originate, propose, launch, inaugurate。vt.introdu...
The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教師培訓學院為該學院的創(chuàng)立者立了一塊紀念牌匾。You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.風險不可能完全消除,但可以通過防范和培訓來降低。The emphasis is ...
v.抑制,克制,戒除( refrain的現在分詞 )...
The whole universe exists eternally in that one infinite being.整個宇宙在無限的空間中永生。...an infinite variety of landscapes...變化萬千的風景Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy...她的同事們對她似乎無窮的精力大為驚嘆。Entrusting life...
inevitable的反義詞有:avoidable, avoidable, evitable。adj.inevitable的反義詞(不可避免的;必然的):avoidable。inevitable的反義詞(其他釋義):avoidable, evitable。...
discipline的近義詞/同義詞有:penalize, chastise, correct, punish, practice, condition, train, prepare, drill, exercise, groom, punish, punishment, groom, practice, science, correct, correction, rehearsal, educate, chasten, condit...
finish的近義詞/同義詞有:refinement, excellence, polish, perfection, end, terminate, complete, conclude, stop, close, cease, through, completion, polish, perfect, fulfill, blanket, attain, stop, close, refine, goal, terminate, en...
ingredient的近義詞/同義詞有:element, factor, component, part, thing, factor, constituent, organ, element, component, part。n.ingredient的近義詞(組成部分;要素):element, factor, component, part。ingredient的近義詞(其他釋義):thing, factor, constituent...
Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.瓦雷澤古雷是位于熱那亞以東山區(qū)的一座小城。Nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions.現在連偏僻的山區(qū)也用上了拖拉機.The storm heaved the sea into mountainous weaves.風暴中海面...
In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of 'Camelot'.他1975年在洛杉磯重新上演的劇目《卡米洛》中扮演國王。The King's Road was getting increasingly cheesy...國王路越來越俗氣了。There are records of the King of France employing...
mainly的近義詞/同義詞有:the, in, especially, above, predominantly, overall, whole, principally, effectively, particularly, general, all, primorily, on, substantially, mostly, generally, primarily, main, essentially, chiefly, usu...
We should give a freer rein to small and medium state - owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.進一步放開搞活 國有 中小企業(yè).Mary spoiled both her children, then tried too late to rein them in.瑪麗慣壞了她的兩個孩子,想要管束他們的時候已經來不及了。The gover...
train的近義詞/同義詞有:condition, teach, educate, drill, exercise, groom, foster, discipline, prepare, bring, rear, nurture, direct, cultivate, up, practice, cars, railroad, string, column, file, series, succession, sequence, pr...
gain的近義詞/同義詞有:acquire, earn, get, obtain, receive, secure, look, pick, make, up, come, along, progress, improve, advance, benefit, advance, up, behalf, plus, benefit, receive, take, blessing, pick, improve, advantage, ac...
include的反義詞有:exclude, exclude。vt.include的反義詞(包括;包含于...里面):exclude。include的反義詞(其他釋義):exclude。...
contain的近義詞/同義詞有:hold, enclose, comprise, include, of, involve, consist, control, curb, restrain, confine, include, restrain, comprise, involve, seat, control, embrace, consist, siege, embody, hold, curb, comprehend, cov...
doing的近義詞/同義詞有:events, actions, transactions, dealings, deeds, proceedings, execution, deed, action, work, performance, realization, exploit, act, business, affair, concern, matter, event, thing, occurrence, operation。n....
tiny的反義詞有:large, big, gigantic, huge, giant, enormous, large, gross。adj.tiny的反義詞(極小的;微小的):large, big, gigantic, huge。tiny的反義詞(其他釋義):giant, enormous, large, gross。...
He, too, was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle.他也是非常自大, 在城堡里大搖大擺地走.Power projection and geopolitical strutting are best left to others.武力投射及擴大地緣政治影響,最好留給他人去做.Strutting down the street , the girls , they tr...