She put her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses.她把自己的鼻子愜意地埋在天芥菜和庚申薔薇花簇中。So Laurie played and Jo listened, with her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses.這樣勞瑞便彈了起來.裘把自己的鼻子愜意地埋在無芥菜和庚申薔薇花簇中傾聽著....
She put her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses.她把自己的鼻子愜意地埋在天芥菜和庚申薔薇花簇中。So Laurie played and Jo listened, with her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses.這樣勞瑞便彈了起來.裘把自己的鼻子愜意地埋在無芥菜和庚申薔薇花簇中傾聽著....