I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother.我不會擅自批評奧斯本恨他媽媽這件事。Lesley yelled at him with blind, hating rage.萊斯莉心生憤恨,盛怒之下對他大嚷大叫。She confessed hating the boss.她承認痛恨這個老板....
I would not presume to censure Osborne for hating his mother.我不會擅自批評奧斯本恨他媽媽這件事。The villains are most of the apes , especially the fanatical, human - hating General Thade.當中的大部分人猿都是壞蛋, 而尤以哪位憎惡人類的瘋狂將軍 塞德 為首.I moved him out...