This flight was more gruelling than I had expected.這次飛行比我預想的更累!Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.斯托克斯先生可以預見下一周會被枯燥繁重的宣傳工作搞得焦頭爛額。The recruits were put through a week of gruelling endurance t...
We had gruel for the breakfast.我們早餐吃的是麥片粥.This gruel is too thin.粥太稀了.If he plays fool, he'll get his gruel.他如果干蠢事, 就一定會受到懲罰....
gruelling的音標:gruelling的英式發(fā)音音標為:['gru:?l??]gruelling的美式發(fā)音音標為:['ɡru?l??, 'ɡrul??]...
Or takes the radix astragali Chinese yam gruel.或者服用黃芪山藥粥.There is rice gruel , braised diced pork, courgettes and hot steamed buns.有米粥 、 燜肉 、 西葫蘆和熱饅頭.If he plays fool, he'll get his gruel.他如果干蠢事, 就一定會受到懲罰.We had gru...
grueling的音標:grueling的英式發(fā)音音標為:['gr??l??]grueling的美式發(fā)音音標為:['ɡru?l??, 'ɡrul??]...
His grueling schedule is just one not - so - subtle hint of what he expects from employees.他總是排得滿滿的日程,就不太隱晦地暗示出他對手下員工的期望.For the next grueling year, I'll be your homeroom teacher.在接下來辛苦的一年, 我將是你們的班主任.Rucker restruct...
The recruits were put through a week of grueling endurance tests.新兵要接受為期一周艱苦的耐力測試。His grueling schedule is just one not - so - subtle hint of what he expects from employees.他總是排得滿滿的日程,就不太隱晦地暗示出他對手下員工的期望.War was grueling ...
n.燕麥粥 ,稀粥...
...a gruelling journey that would have daunted a woman half her age...比她年輕一半的女子都會膽怯的累人旅程It commemorates a trek more gruelling than the tourists who gawp at it can imagine.它是為了紀念一次艱苦的跋涉,其艱難程度超出了那些看到這座雕像的人的想象.This flight w...