The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses.芳香的微風吹拂著他的額頭,重振了他那疲憊的精神....
It leaves your hair smelling deliciously fresh and fragrant.它會讓頭發(fā)聞起來清新、芳香,令人愉悅。Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed.香檳酒的香味會特別濃郁。The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills.空氣中蕩漾著山和海的...
fragrant的近義詞/同義詞有:perfumed, sweet-smelling, aromatic, odorous, balmy, odorous, aromatic, delicious。adj.fragrant的近義詞(芳香的):perfumed, sweet-smelling, aromatic, odorous。fragrant的近義詞(其他釋義):balmy, odorous, aromatic, delicious。...
Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall,where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms.沒有一朝寒徹骨,哪來梅花撲鼻香。Coffee is a fragrant beverage.咖啡是一種香味濃郁的飲料.The bubbles of time drops . These homocentric bubbles and dro...