Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.左派持不同政見者已經(jīng)遭到削弱和排擠。Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend.托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明顯被他的女朋友馴服帖了。The editor emascu...
The law against speeding is emasculated by fining offenders only five dollars.禁止超速的條款因罰款只有五塊錢而毫無功效.The editor emasculated the speech by cutting out its strongest passages.編輯把這篇演說最強(qiáng)有利的段落刪掉而使它失去了其雄壯氣勢.Tosh was known to be ...