Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up, back, and down, in a circular motion.雙手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圓圈運動。He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun...他用胳膊肘支起身子,瞇著眼睛看了看太陽。He propped his elbows ...
She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows.她打了個滾,然后用胳膊肘把自己撐了起來。He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.他的雙肘撐在滿是油污的柜臺上。His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.他的袖子卷到了肘部。...