
阿卡英語 / 查找:deb” [共找到379條結果]
  • debunk造句

    It is this tradition that Lewis sets out to debunk.路易斯要抨擊的正是這種傳統(tǒng).So let's debunk some of the most common falsehoods.那么,讓我們來揭穿一些最常見的謬誤吧.Other accounts of Celtic history debunk these stories as myth.凱爾特語的歷史其它帳戶揭穿這些故事作...
  • debasement造句

    ...the debasement of popular culture.流行文化的低俗化Associating with people like Li Mei - t'ing and Ku Er - chien was such a shameful debasement.與李梅亭顧爾謙等為伍,就是可恥的墮落.There will be no debasement of quality.質(zhì)量絕對不會降低.The image ...
  • debunked的音標?

  • debugging什么意思解釋

    n.調(diào)試v.拆除竊聽器( debug的現(xiàn)在分詞 ),排除故障...
  • bladebone怎么讀

  • deb例句

    The writer's deb ut novel was an instant Success.這位作家的首部長篇小說很快就獲得了巨大的成功.Silylation, P modification and MgO modification can improve p - DEB selectivity greatly.MgO改性提高對二乙苯選擇性最為明顯.In the end, everything turned out OK...
  • debrief例句

    If Nadia's the one with intel on Vadik, why not debrief her yourself?如果娜蒂婭就是在瓦蒂克工作的為什么你自己不去聽她報告?Join Charles Cooper and Stephen Shankland on the CNET News Daily Debrief.加入了CNET新聞每天的總結查爾斯庫珀和斯蒂芬的專訪.JB : My debrief roo...
  • debase的反義詞有哪些

    debase的反義詞有:elevate, elevate。vt.debase的反義詞(降低;變造):elevate。debase的反義詞(其他釋義):elevate。...
  • debilitate的現(xiàn)在進行時怎么寫

  • debonder是什么意思

  • debility的音標?

  • debarkation的音標

  • debauchee的音標

  • debut的意思

  • debauch怎么讀

  • debonaire的音標?

  • debiting是什么意思?

    v.記入(賬戶)的借方( debit的現(xiàn)在分詞 )...
  • debased是什么意思

  • debar的意思

  • debut造句

    The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.這個組合的首張專輯一經(jīng)推出便被盛贊為嘻哈樂的經(jīng)典之作。She was scarcely 18 when she made her debut.首次出鏡時,她剛滿18歲。Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut....
  • debonair造句

    He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit.他穿了一身講究的新衣服逛來逛去,顯得頗為愜意。It is friendly, remote, and debonair.卡普里島遠離塵囂,但景色宜人, 生機盎然.He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.他穿了一身講究的新衣服逛...
  • debunk的現(xiàn)在完成時怎么寫?

  • guidebook造句

    Where can I get a guidebook or map of Beijing?到哪兒買旅游手冊或者北京地圖?This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.這本實用的旅行指南教給你放松的方法、處理問題的技巧以及如何安排時間。You brought a guidebook to a party?...
  • debenture例句

    The Group rents out its club debenture under operating leases.本集團根據(jù)經(jīng)營租約租出其會所債券.Even so, debenture systems are opaque debenture - holders and accepted students is unknown.即使如此, “學校債券”的體系仍是不透明的----債券持有者與入學人數(shù)之間的比例是不公開的.Thus...
  • debater什么意思?

  • debit的復數(shù)形式怎么拼寫

  • debunk什么意思解釋

  • debbie造句

    "Yes," he laughs, cuddling up to Debbie.“是的,”他笑著緊挨黛比坐下。Debbie studied her friend's face for a moment.黛比仔細端詳了一會她朋友的臉.Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.黛比.哈特準備明天橫渡英吉利海峽....
  • deburring造句

    Idear for deburring and polishing inside diameters of pipe and tubing.理想的用于管、孔內(nèi)壁的去毛刺、拋光和難以到達處的打磨拋光.FC : Made for fast cutting, deburring, radiusing in all types of finishing equipment.適用于各種光飾機的快速切削, 去毛刺和倒角.Making the cle...
  • debriefing例句

    Frank: I know as I're already given them a debriefing about the situation.弗蘭克: 我知道,因為我已經(jīng)給了他們一份形勢報告....