He and I were sitting out on his jetty dangling our legs in the water.我和他坐在他的碼頭上,雙腿在水中蕩悠。The tooth hung dangling by the bedpost, now.結(jié)果,那顆牙就晃來晃去吊在床柱上了.The children sat on the high wall, their legs dangling.孩子們坐在一堵高墻上, 搖晃...
The children sat on the high wall, their legs dangling.孩子們坐在一堵高墻上, 搖晃著他們的雙腿.Intestines were a - dangling from his paratrooper suit.腸子在他的傘兵衣上搖晃....a naked bulb dangling in a bare room...空蕩蕩的房間里吊著的一只沒有燈罩的燈泡The tooth hung d...