
阿卡英語 / 查找:curative” [共找到5條結果]
  • curative造句

    the curative properties of herbs藥草治病的功效Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine.在昂貴的治療性藥物上花費太多,在預防性藥物上的支出則太少。It was found out that certain herbal medicines had curative effec...
  • curative什么意思解釋?

  • curative的音標

  • curative造句

    Purpose To observe the curative effect of resuscitating and scalp acupunctures on apoplectic hemiplegia.目的觀察醒腦開竅法與頭針治療中風偏癱的療效.Objective To observe the curative effect of heavy - oxygen - enriched water ( HOEW ) on obviat...
  • curative的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    curative的近義詞/同義詞有:cure-all, cure, remedy, panacea, curing, recuperatory, helpful, reparative, medicinal, sanatory, restoring, recuperative, remedial, sanative, healing, reparatory, therapeutic, restorative, medical, corr...