
阿卡英語 / 查找:cunning” [共找到18條結(jié)果]
  • cunningness怎么讀

  • cunning的反義詞有哪些

    cunning的反義詞有:honest, honest。adj.cunning的反義詞(狡猾的):honest。cunning的反義詞(其他釋義):honest。...
  • cunning的近義詞

    cunning的近義詞有:cunning, sly。下面這兩個(gè)形容詞均含"狡猾的"的含義:cunning:指憑詭計(jì)達(dá)到狡詐的目的。sly:指竭力掩飾其意圖,靠蒙混或表里不一等隱蔽手法達(dá)到個(gè)人目的。...
  • cunning怎么讀

  • cunning是什么意思?

  • cunningly例句

    They were cunningly disguised in golf clothes.他們穿上高爾夫球服,巧妙地偽裝起來。They cunningly played the game of sham peace.他們狡滑地玩弄假和平的把戲.The technique he chose cunningly - was to blatantly insult his audience.而他精心選擇的方式就是:肆無忌憚地大罵觀眾....
  • cunningness什么意思解釋?

  • cunningly的音標(biāo)?

  • cunningham造句

    Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner...邁拉·坎寧安給我寄了張便箋感謝我招待的晚餐。...Donald Cunningham, Sr.老唐納德·卡寧厄姆Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner.邁拉·坎寧安給我寄了張便箋感謝我招待的晚餐。Mr Cunningham was a capable man....
  • cunning造句

    His cunning and guile were not attributes I would ever underestimate.我從未對他的狡猾和奸詐掉以輕心。Intelligence and cunning emanated from him.他透著一種智慧和狡黠。Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.恩里科很有心計(jì),是一只狡猾的老狐貍。...
  • cunning的近義詞/同義詞

    cunning的近義詞/同義詞有:plotting, sly, scheming, calculating, crafty, skillful, clever, shrewd, foxy, deceit, cute, wily, crooked, resourceful, shifty, artful, guile, subtle, clever, sly, crafty, ingenuity, slippery, slick, pra...
  • cunningham造句

    Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner.邁拉·坎寧安給我寄了張便箋感謝我招待的晚餐。Will you please connect me with Mr. Cunningham's office?請接康寧海先生的辦公室好 嗎 ?Mr Cunningham was a capable man.坎寧先生是個(gè)能干的人....
  • cunningham什么意思解釋?

  • cunningham怎么讀?

  • cunningly什么意思

  • cunningness造句

    You can see his craziness and his cunningness both in his face.在他的臉上你可以同時(shí)看到他的愚蠢和狡猾....
  • cunning造句

    ...Mr Blair's cunning plan.布萊爾先生的詭計(jì)He is a cunning person.他是個(gè)狡猾的家伙。Don't be fooled by any of her cunning tricks.不要被她的任何詭計(jì)所騙。These disturbed kids can be cunning.這些心理不正常的孩子可能會(huì)很狡猾。He is cunning as a fox.他像狐貍一樣狡猾。I...
  • cunningly造句

    They walked through the trees to a second hut, cunningly camouflaged against air surveillance.他們穿過樹林來到第二個(gè)棚子;這個(gè)棚子經(jīng)過巧妙偽裝,空中偵察不到。They cunningly played the game of sham peace.他們狡滑地玩弄假和平的把戲.The technique he chose cunningly - ...