
阿卡英語 / 查找:crusted” [共找到8條結(jié)果]
  • crusted的意思

  • encrusted什么意思解釋

    adj.包外殼的,鑲飾的v.用一層硬殼覆蓋,包裹( encrust的過去式和過去分詞 ),(用貴重物品在)表面裝飾,結(jié)殼,形成硬殼...
  • encrusted例句

    a crown encrusted with diamonds鑲滿鉆石的王冠The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels.皇帝身穿一件鑲滿寶石的華貴禮袍.The queen wore a crown encrusted with diamonds.女王帶著一頂鑲有鉆石的王冠。...
  • crusted造句

    He sat down to remove his mud-crusted boots.他坐下來脫掉那沾滿泥的靴子。...flat grey stones crusted with lichen...長著厚厚一層青苔的扁平狀灰色石頭He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.他把所有長期沒洗的餐具都拿到廚房。Look, the paste has crusted ...
  • crusted造句

    He moved all the caked and crusted dishes into the kitchen.他把所有長期沒洗的餐具都拿到廚房。He sat down to remove his mud-crusted boots.他坐下來脫掉那沾滿泥的靴子。Look, the paste has crusted on your sleeve.瞧, 糨糊都嘎巴在你袖子上了....
  • encrusted的音標(biāo)

  • encrusted造句

    Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.鼻鏡通常覆蓋著粘液和滲出物.a crown encrusted with diamonds鑲滿鉆石的王冠The eyes have it with these googly - eye encrusted sneakers! How fun are these?在運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋上鑲滿這種鼓鼓的小眼睛,絕對能讓你賺足眼球. 怎么樣,很有...
  • crusted怎么讀
