The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist.美麗的海岸線一望無際,籠罩在迷霧之中。The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.這個組織籠罩著一種詭秘的氣氛。The history of the family is cloaked in mystery.這個家族的家史披上了一層神秘的色彩....
Leaf - tailed geckos cling to the trees, cloaked in green.葉尾壁虎趴在樹上, 披著綠色的外衣.The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.這個組織籠罩著一種詭秘的氣氛。The history of the family is cloaked in mystery.這個家族的家史披上了一層神秘的色彩.The beautifu...