He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer.他穿著他最干凈的便褲,潔凈的襯衫和藏青色上裝。He's the cleanest , briskest , most alive thing that's walked in here in many a day.他是這許多天來每天到這里來的人之中最清潔、最神氣 、 最活潑的家伙.The toil...
adj.清潔的( clean的最高級 ),整齊的,新的,正派的...
He's the cleanest , briskest , most alive thing that's walked in here in many a day.他是這許多天來每天到這里來的人之中最清潔、最神氣 、 最活潑的家伙.He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer.他穿著他最干凈的便褲,潔凈的襯衫和藏青色上裝。He wore ...