Warm aromas of apple pie and butterscotch with bright tropical pineapple.蘋果派,奶糖和熱帶菠蘿的溫暖氣息撲面而來.Lifted stone fruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic.核果和番石榴的芳香,與奶油糖果的果酸交織融合.A bouquet of concentrated c...
A bouquet of concentrated citrus and stone fruit characters , with a hint of butterscotch.聚集了柑橘和核果的芳香, 奶油糖果的氣息為之點綴.Warm aromas of apple pie and butterscotch with bright tropical pineapple.蘋果派,奶糖和熱帶菠蘿的溫暖氣息撲面而來.Lifted ston...